Patchwork & Quilting UK – August 2019

(Wang) #1
30 British Patchwork & Quilting AUGUST 2019

PROJECT // welsh-style quilted cushion

Stitch slowly as you work along the
curves. Stop at regular intervals
with needle in the down position,
lift presser foot and move fabric
around the curve.



  1. From solid pale lilac cut:
    six, 1½" strips cut along the bias.
    You will need enough strips to make
    length to go around all four edges of
    cushion front plus 4"

1a. Press 18" pale lilac square.
b. Fold square in half and press crease.
c. Open out, refold square and press
crease again to divide square into

  1. Tack along lines with coloured
    3a. Starting from centre, divide each
    quarter into four, 4" squares to make
    grid of sixteen squares.
    b. You should be left with a 1" border
    around outside edges, dia. 1.

1a. Quilt design is created by drawing

3a. Working from centre of cushion,
stitch along drawn curved lines.

b. Once curves are stitched, add a
second line of stitching ¼" inside first
line of stitching, illust. 1.
4a. Continuing with machine quilting,
stitch shorter lines within shapes
created by curved lines.
b. Note some of these lines are straight
and some slightly curved, illust. 2.

1a. Using embroidery thread, add
additional infill quilting by hand.
b. Lines can be straight, slightly curved
or as desired and each shape can be
filled differently, illust. 3a and illust. 3b.

1a. Remove any remaining tacking
stitched together with any marking lines
if necessary.
b. Trim wadding and backing squares so
they are same size as cushion front.
2a. Take 1½" solid pale lilac strips and
join strips together end to end.
b. Press seams open to reduce bulk.
3a. Lay joined strips wrong side up on
work surface and place piping cord
centrally on fabric.
b. Fold fabric over so piping cord is
enclosed by fabric strips and pin along
c. Using zipper foot, machine stitch
along length of strips stitching close to
piping cord.
4a. Place piping along outside edges of
cushion front with raw edges of fabric
strips covering piping cord level with raw
edges of cushion front.
b. Starting partway along bottom edge
of cushion and stitch with ½" seam
c. Snip into seam allowance of piping at
corners to ease it around the corners,
dia. 3.
5a. Remove approx. 1" of piping cord
from ends to reduce bulk at join.
b. Overlap ends so they fall within seam
allowance before stitching over to join
ends, dia. 4 and illust. 4.
6a. Place quilted cushion front right side
up on work surface.
b. Lay 18" cream square right side down
on top so pieces are right sides together.

b. The interlocking curves create
additional patterns which are in-filled
with different quilting designs.

  1. Trace semicircle template given full
    size on Pattern Sheet onto template
    plastic or card and cut out carefully
    on lines.

  2. Using stitched gridlines as a guide
    for positioning and using removable
    fabric marker, draw around curved
    edge of semicircle template to create
    interlocking design, dia. 2.

1a. Make quilt sandwich with marked
cushion top and 20" wadding and thin
cotton or muslin squares.
b. Pin or baste layers.
2a. Using a walking foot, machine quilt
along gridlines, removing those tacking
stitches as you stitch.
b. Next machine quilt diagonally from
corner to corner.

illust. 1. Add second line of machine

illust. 2. Add slightly curved machine
stitched lines

illust. 3. Hand quilting detail

a. Straight line quilting b. Curved line quilting
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