Patchwork & Quilting UK – August 2019

(Wang) #1

FEATURE // the quilters' guild

32 British Patchwork & Quilting AUGUST 2019

Founded in 1979 by a group of committed quilting enthusiasts, the Quilters’ Guild aimed to
bring together like-minded quilters in a spirit of friendship, encourage learning about the
craft and promote quilt making in all its forms across the UK. Forty years on and the initial
membership of 300 has grown to over 6,500 members across the UK and around the world,
with 400 affi liated groups, young quilters and fi ve specialist groups to cater for all interests,
off ering challenges, meetings, retreats and summer schools.

The Quilters' Guild

40 Years and Still Going Strong!


Over its forty year history, the Guild has seen many changes but
has maintained its original aims of preserving and promoting
the historic crafts of patchwork and quiIting. The Guild was
registered as a charity in 1983, taking on the name of The
Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles in January 1998. Two years
later, the British Heritage Quilt Project, a UK wide project aimed
at documenting domestic items of patchwork and quilting
dating prior to 1960, was begun. Also in that year the fi rst
paid employees were taken on, previously all work had been
voluntary and an offi ce was opened at Dean Clough in Halifax.
As the acquisition of important historical items grew, so did the
need for space to house the collection; a problem solved by
setting up the Resource Centre at Dean Clough in June 2001.
Later that year, the collection was awarded full museum status.

By 2008, the work of the Guild had grown signifi cantly and
the museum relocated to St Anthony’s Hall in York; a beautiful
medieval guildhall which had space to house a museum,
gallery, library, shop, offi ces, education rooms and storage for
Volunteers with the collection at Dean Clough, 2002 the increasing heritage collection. The museum and gallery

St Anthony’s Hall, York.
Current home of the Quilters’ Guild
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