Patchwork & Quilting UK – August 2019

(Wang) #1

JUST FOR YOU // giveaways

84 British Patchwork & Quilting AUGUST 2019

Visit our website
and enter online.

Complete the relevant competition or giveaway coupon
and send it to: Patchwork & Quilting Magazine, PO Box 129,
Monmouth NP25 9BF.
Please note the code for the giveaway coupon this month is S2S


❏ ‘Miniature Quilts’
❏ ‘Text it!’
❏ ‘EPP A Stitch in Time’
❏ ‘Wool Minis’
❏ ‘Pin Pals’
❏ Quilting Antics Pattern

❏ Summer Side Fabric
❏ Mettler Summer
Collection Threads
❏ Quilting Stencils and
Mark Away Spray
❏ Forest Wall Hanging kit

Name: ...............................................................................

Address: ...........................................................................


Post Code: ..................................Tel: ..............................

Email: ................................................................................
My favourite item (project, feature or regular) this
month is:


My least favourite item is:


To be received by 31 August 2019

General rules

  1. One entry ONLY per person (photocopy, plain paper copy, email
    or online entry) is permissible per competition or giveaway selection.

  2. The appropriate number of winners for each competition and
    giveaway winners will be selected at random from all correct entries
    received by the appropriate closing dates. 3. Unless otherwise stated,
    competition and giveaway winners will be notifi ed of their success
    within a month of the closing date. 4. No correspondence will be
    entered into regarding any competition or giveaway. 5. The Judges’
    decisions are always fi nal. For full terms and conditions please see
    our website




Unless stated otherwise we are happy to accept photocopied coupons or
handwritten entries. Coupons for competitions and giveaways, from the
same person, may be sent in a single envelope.


...of the May Giveaways

We require the information above so that we can contact you if
you win, and send your prize directly to you. Please note that all
entries are securely destroyed once the competition winner has
been selected and their prize has been received.


‘Easy Layer Cakes’
W Phillips, Dorset

‘Scrap Basket Bounty’
Glenn Dawson, Bedfordshire

‘Adventures in Paper Piecing
and Design’
Benthe Whettell, Birmingham

‘Quirky Little Quilts’
E R Spooner, Cambridgeshire

Clover Stitch Guide
Jen Boucher, Warwickshire
Christine Noyes, Dorset
Geraldine Frost, Wiltshire

Vlieseline Iron Cleaner
B Kidd, Devon
Robyn Hardman, Derbyshire
Kirsty Brown, Warwickshire

Sunkissed Fabric Bundle
Anne Hornby, Cheshire

Cosy Mood Fabric Bundle
Rosemary Sutton, Lancashire
Susan Ryan, Gloucestershire


Feeling Lucky?

...of the Crafters Companion Competition
Cutting and Ruler Sets
Hilary Cooke, Norfolk. Elaine Hilditch, West Lothian.
Celia Przyrembel, Buckinghamshire.
Free download pdf