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94 British Patchwork & Quilting AUGUST 2019
Quilting News
I so enjoyed your article about memory quilts.
Last year I made a memory quilt for my son who
was born in Zimbabwe. I'd been looking for and
saving animal prints for several years with very
little luck, they had obviously gone out of fashion.
Then I visited Malvern quilt exhibition and found
exactly what I was looking for, time to get started!
I must admit it took me quite a while to decide
which print went where and how to personalise it.
He didn't know I was making it so was thrilled and
surprised when I gave it to him. I took it to show
and tell at my patchwork club and the chairperson
asked me to display the quilt at our open day the
following month. I felt very honoured as you can
imagine. I do hope you like it.
Sheila Lyddieth, by email
Sheila, I am so glad you liked my feature on Memory
Quilts. I love learning about diff erent ideas that
people have for recording memories in stitch. Your
son must be overjoyed to receive such a charming
quilt to remind him of Africa.
Just a quick thank you for allowing our
group to feature in P&Q. We had a very
successful four day exhibition, raised £2900
for Wales Air Ambulance and were able
to donate twelve quilts to the South East
Wales Project Linus. On the last day one of
our traders, Marion's Patchwork, gave us
our fi rst challenge of the 2021 exhibition
with a donation of shades of green fabric to
illustrate either ‘The Green, Green Grass of
Home’ or ‘How Green was my Valley’. Here
we go again.
Christine Bowen, Ystrad Mynach Quilters
by email
What a wonderful idea for a challenge!
There are so many ideas out there and
congratulations on such a successful
exhibition. A large amount of money raised
for charity along with twelve Linus quilts.