You can also get in touch by visiting our social media sites. Find us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We would love you to join us
and share your thoughts, ideas and opinions on Patchwork & Quilting with others in our online community.
@pq.mag britishpatchworkandquiltingmagazine @pqmag
I've been busy! Three
Schoolhouse quilts all
made in an eff ort to
reduce my 'stash' - why
doesn't it look smaller?
Vivian Stewart,
by email
Vivian, what a wonderful
street full of houses!
They look fabulous, even
if they didn’t reduce your
stash as much as you
hoped. Perhaps you will
have to make a city full
of them! Thank you for
sharing your lovely work.
Attached is a quilt made from Stuart's Stash Busting
article in the magazine. It did not cost a penny as all
the fabric came from the scrap box. There are just
enough scraps left to make another one. This one will
be on its way to the Linus Project.
Judy Mitchell, by email
Judy what a wonderful way to ‘Bust that Stash’, as Stuart
would say. For such a great cause too. Well done and
thank you for sharing it with us.
Every month we give away quilting goodies for every
letter with photograph published on our letters pages.
This month the prize is a selection of fabric, In the
Meadow by Riley Blake. Inspired by the beauty of
wildfl owers, the pretty fl oral designs of In the Meadow
are complemented by fl oral geometrics, honeybees and
text designs with joyful sentiments.
For stockist information visit http://www.eqsuk.co.uk
Please send your emails and good quality photos
to [email protected] or post to
British Patchwork and Quilting Magazine, PO Box 129,
Monmouth, NP25 9BF. You will need to include an
image showing the entire quilt on a fl at surface.