Patchwork & Quilting UK – August 2019

(Wang) #1

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Editor: Joanna Kent
Assistant Editor: Helen Kent
Email: [email protected]

Carol Bowden, Sheilah Daughtree
Brenda Dean, Greta Fitchett
Chris Franses, Kath Garner
Ruth Garner, Carolyn Gibbs
Lynne Goldsworthy, Sylvia Gorman
Louisa Goult, Chris Hammacott
Stuart Hillard, Joanna Kent
Arlene McLeish, Mandy Munroe

Design: Nikki Coffey
Sharon Cooper, Esme Robinson

Account Manager: Angela Price
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07841 019607
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Rhona Bolger
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01689 869891

Beth Ashby
Email: [email protected]

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BRITISH PATCHWORK & QUILTING, ISSN 0268-5620, is publishedmonthly by MYTIMEMEDIA Ltd, Eden House, Enterprise Way,
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Brother 100
Cotton & Stitch 92
Crafting Live 85
Crafty Quilters Jersey 91
Fletcher's Patch 91
Frank Nutt 41
Grosvenor - Harrogate 13
Grosvenor - Newark 19
Grosvenor - Malvern 27
Janome 2
L&C Fabrics 91
Lewis & Irene 90
Maggie's Craft Workshop 91
MTM – Digital Ad 97
New Forest Fabrics 71
Patchfinders 91



The Dresden Plate block has been around in many guises for several hundred years.
During the 1920s and 1930s it became commonly known as Dresden Plate as the
city of Dresden was renowned for the painting of delicate porcelains. The circular
pattern, plate shape, of the Dresden quilt block became linked with the town's name.
Prior to this examples are found, either in full circles, half or quarter fans, as early
as 1785 in the Anna Tuels’ quilt. Given to her by her mother on her marriage this quilt
bears a Dresden Plate in the central medallion and is the oldest surviving American
pieced quilt to date. Ideal for scraps, the Dresden Plate is appliquéd onto a base
block. The shape of the blades can vary from pointed, flat or rounded. The block can
be used across the whole surface of a quilt or as a central motif in a medallion quilt.


Patchwork & Quilting - Subscriptions 76
Patchwork & Quilting - Website 85
Quilters Dream 51
Quilting in Peace 91
Really Maria 51
Sew & So's 91
Sewing Quarter 83
Singer Sewing Machines 92
Sticky Fingers 92
The Cotton Patch 92
The Festival of Quilts 40
The Peacock and the Tortoise 92
The Silk Route 92
Thread Bear 92
West Country Quilt Show 85
World of Sewing 99
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