Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1

134 Thrasher





How was China?
It was fun, actually. I had a good time there.

Hardly anyone went, right?
Yeah, there weren’t that many people there.
I know Tom Schaar was hurt and Pedro and
Ronnie just don’t like China.

How was the course?
Kinda weird at first. But it was like all the other
courses. I really liked the wall that the best
trick was on.

What would make the courses better?
I feel like they got it pretty dialed in, maybe
just make bigger tranny. It’s good that there’s
not a lot of flatbottom now.

If Pedro and those guys were there do
you think you still would’ve made the
Maybe not the win but probably would’ve
been up there, for sure. They gave me a pretty

high score. CJ had a sick ass run too.
Once you got to the finals did you feel
you had it in the bag?
I was pretty surprised because in semis I did
the same run but they gave me an 87. So the
next day I did the same run and got an 88 so I
was like, shit, well.
Did you feel like crying when you won?
Definitely didn’t feel like crying. It was more
of a shock factor.
How much money do you get for those
things nowadays?
I won $20,000 and then got $250 for that
wallride kickflip in the best-trick contest.
Was there an overall winner for best
trick? ’Cause yours was crazy.
They were just giving out money like at Death
Match. I think Wooten did the gnarliest trick.
Curren did that sick kickflip pivot too.

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