Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1

hy don’t you smoke or drink?
It’s pointless. You get nothing out of it
besides a feeling. I get feelings from living
my life. I don’t need drugs or drinks to feel a certain
type of way. I’m just high on life.

Was there anything in your life that made you
want to avoid it?
I always heard it was bad. I never wanted to do it.
There was never a reason for it. I feel like I was put
on this Earth to do certain things, to make a way for
my family. All I know is that it would be a distraction
to what I’m trying to achieve. It would hold me
back, almost as if I were taking two steps
forward and five steps in reverse.

Have you ever been tempted to

What’s it like to be around wasted people?
Does it bother you?
It don’t bother me, they can choose what they want
to do. I don’t have a say so. I don’t like it in my head
but I don’t say anything. I let people live their life the
way they want to live it.

Have you seen it change people around you
at all?
Hell yeah. I’ve seen people start drinking and
completely fall off compared to when they weren’t.
This isn’t just drinking or smoking, it’s whatever, drugs
period. They get on that and they start fucking up.

What advice would you give to younger skaters
feeling pressure to drink and/or smoke?
Be yourself. Don’t let nobody pressure you. At the
end of the day, you die alone. Why are you trying to
impress somebody else?


Always impressive, even when he’s
not trying. TJ is on his own path

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