Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1
170 Thrasher

Maniac with a Mohawk

One Sunday we left the cars parked at the Airbnb and skated through
downtown. After hitting a few zones we found ourselves at the very
crowded library bank, when a strung-out and clearly mentally-ill dude
with a mohawk pushed his way through our group, aggressively calling
us all terrorists. Carroll decided to stare him down, which made the guy
even more aggro. He started swinging his tote bags around, hitting things
with them. You could clearly see that he had a hammer in one of them.
Niels, oblivious to all of this, rolled by him and the guy tried to push him
off his board. Instead, he tripped and his bags fell to the ground. Carroll
kicked one of them down the sidewalk, spraying the contents of a bag
of wine all over some unsuspecting Sunday shoppers. Niels noticed that
the guy dropped a large knife when he fell, and quickly stuck it in a trash
can. The maniac was gathering up his belongings and screaming that we’d
stolen his diamonds, then he started chasing people around with a shiv!
His attention shifted to one of the local skaters who decided to stand his
ground. He started lunging at him with his blade. After numerous warnings
to “Leave him the fuck alone,” the skater, with a firm mall grab, jabbed the
dude in the face with the tail of his board. The sound was really intense—it
was like wood on concrete, but in this case it was wood on cheekbone. A
stream of alcohol-thinned blood ran down the man’s face and that was the
moment when everyone decided they’d had enough of the madness. We all
skated down the street before the police inevitably arrived.

Frontside flip up at the end of
a line— Manch was definitely
not on smoko this day

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