Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1

Nollie Cab at the D7 Blocks—
totally back into skating full-
time indeed!

You’re a year older than me.
I’m kidding—about the time since I graduated
from college, two years ago. I just wanted
to come out with something that shows that
I’m totally back into skateboarding, full-time.
I thought it was going to come out in the
summer of last year but it’s finally going to
come out. I wanted to put together a part that,
to me, is perfect. Something with no filler,
that only had the tricks that I liked, done the
way I like. People might like the footage that I
view as subpar, so that would go to something

else, however, for this one thing I want it to be

Something that you can truly be proud
of, a piece that you’ve poured your heart
and soul into.
We haven’t seen the whole thing but that’s
what I’m trying to get to.
Have you faced any type of hiccups
putting this thing together?
This originally was supposed to be my shoe
part but then they pushed the deadline up.

All of a sudden, I wasn’t ready to put out a
banging part. It was due at a specific time. I
put that part out, using some of the footage
I wanted to use for this thing but then I was
back at square one. I’m psyched on it for what
it is but that was just trying to fill up time. I
think this will be a good video part. If this is
the best video part I ever make, I’m fine with
that, but it isn’t what I need it to be.
I think that’s all we want to see from you
now. Thanks, Mark.
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