Thrasher – August 2019

(avery) #1

No coping? No problem.
Lizzie, backside boneless

The loop wasn’t hard enough, so
Kevin threw in an inverted ollie.
Must be nice...

Off duty

What started as some light trespassing turned into a week-long permission session.
The powers that be rolled out the red carpet for a week of slams, jams and NBDs.
Some of the gnarliest transition skaters of our time ventured out to the desert to try
their luck at the Pacific Sun—a 300-foot funnel complete with a mini-mega roll in.
The park is being renovated and the Sun will soon be torn out, so this was a for real
Holy Grail quest with the timer ticking. No excuses—get some! The session wasn’t
just confined to just the funnel, though. We were given free reign to skate anything
we wanted—and you better believe we did! The street dogs sniffed out the ledges and
rails and the tranny lords terrorized the tunnels. Conquering the main attraction was
on everyone’s bucket list, but few overcame the mental barrier to do so. The entire
week was epic but the days Tony Hawk showed up were a true spectacle. Entire
families watched as a 50-year-old man took the slams and eventually conquered
a loop in the wild. Thought he wouldn’t?! Our time in Palm Springs was made
possible by taking a chance and luckily finding generosity on the other side of a No
Trespassing sign. You never know ’til you barge.
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