Windsurf – July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1
110 JULY 2019



With Jem Hall // Photos Clark Merritt & Nicolas Jones.


My technique pieces mainly reflect on how best to go about
nailing a certain move or employing a strategy to ‘move on
up’. This month however we help you identify the barriers
to your improvement. The most important insight I have
is you have to WANT IT! I will go onto identify the main
areas that may not be maximising your potential and then
look at the key moves and where I see frequent mistakes.
I am drawing on my 25 years of coaching and also what I
observe on many beaches around the world. Understanding
much of this will help you become better at self coaching,
which is one of the key ways to improve and enjoy your
windsurfing more.



It has to start with this, windsurfing is physical and requires a high level of
fitness. If you are fitter, and perhaps more importantly stronger and more
dynamic you are able to sail with more power and for longer. In effect you
become able to dominate your equipment and be a pilot and not a passenger.
I am now training more effectively and harder and have noticed huge benefits
in my sailing. My stronger and fitter clients improve the fastest, enough said!

The mental aspect also plays a huge part too. As I said you have to ‘want to
improve,’ and in sports coaching this can be called your ‘need to achieve’
or ‘achievement motivation’, which boils down to your ‘motive to succeed’
(how much you want it) minus your ‘motive to avoid failure’ (how much you
want to avoid crashing). So yes you have to want it, A LOT, and be willing
to crash as part of your journey.

An area which can hold people back is our internal self-dialogue, “I can’t do
this,.. I am scared, .. I will never achieve this or that.” If you can change this
to “I shall or I will or I can”, then you are already on an upward curve.
I have also seen that visualisation can play a big part in how much we
all improve. Some people can see how a whole move works, but visualising,
understanding and working on key stages / parts of a move is more effective.
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