Windsurf – July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

42 JULY 2019


It is amazing to have won the first event of the season in France after a very
stressful event. It is always exciting to compete at the first event because
you don’t know if your training has paid off. You also have no idea if your
competitors will be stronger than you and there are a lot of questions to be
answered. It was a very tricky event. Most of the week it was very gusty. It
took us six days to grind out one round. I think one of my strong points
during the week was that I was able to go into racing mode when I needed to
and be fully focussed, but then when we were on hold I managed to relax. It
was impossible to stay focussed all week. It was not the easiest event.
But it was great to start the season on a positive note and have points in the
bag. I would say to win the title you need luck to swing your way and take
these victories. It is one step towards the title. I have been making the overall
podium for many years, but to take the title you need to win events. That is
my plan this year to achieve my goal of a world title.

I really want the world title. I was close a few years ago. In 2016 I was equal
points with Antoine at the end of the season. Last year I was prepared and
ready for it, but I had my first child, a boy, arrive 15 days before the start of
the season and that changed my life quite a bit. This year I feel more ready.
Albeau and Matteo are both tough to beat. Albeau has been fighting for 20
years and Matteo is also a great slalom racer and competitor. Matteo had a
poor start but this can happen. This year especially there are so many guys
that can win a race. In France the level was through the roof. The level really
is super high once again.
When it is flat water and 8.4m conditions, we saw that if you make a bad
start, it is extremely difficult to come back from. Even the very top guys find
it very tricky to overtake. I think we are going to see a tough season and some
big fights. With Matteo and Antoine we are all rivals after the same goal.
Antoine and I are both French and he is what I would call the old generation
and I am the young one. We are rivals for sure. It is ok between us as it has
been like this for years and we both accept it. With Matteo it is different as
we spend time together in Tenerife and he was also on the team with me at
Fanatic and North. We had some close times. On the water we all fight, but
on the beach it is all ok.

Every winter I spend time in Tenerife training for the upcoming season. I
did fifteen days in January and three weeks in March. Last year I came to
Maui at the end of the season to work on the new sails and also train on this
year’s equipment. I also went to Tarifa a little bit to dial in everything for
strong wind conditions. At home I was also super lucky because March and
April were just perfect for training. Not too cold and windy nearly every day.
All year round I work towards the title. I am trying to put 100 per cent effort
in, to give myself every possible chance I can. I don’t want to look back at
the end of the season and think I could have done better. My life at home is
also pretty well in place for me to do this. My wife looks after our son mostly
while I race and train. She takes the stress out of life at home so I can focus
on racing and that is my plan.




Family man Pierre with
(L-R) wife, son and sister
(fellow PWA star, Marion).
PHOTO Jean Souville/
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