Windsurf – July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1



weden. October. It’s the time of the year when it’s starting to get
dark. People are walking faster, it’s raining, and it’s getting colder.
Did I pack enough fins? The reef can be nasty. Did I pack ding
stick? The reef can be nasty. Did I pack a first aid kit? The reef can
be .... nasty.
Me – “Adam, you all set? I’ll pick you up in 15.”
Adam – “Yo, just need to pack, shorts, shades & flip flops right?”
Me – “Eh, yea...see you soon!”
I felt a bit stressed. I’m sure I explained in detail that we are going to a
remote place hours away from the nearest store with no possibility to “pick
something up” if needed. Just having shade and enough water is crucial to
being able to survive there.
He was having a laugh. Dude was more kitted out than me. Off we go.
Getting older, I need a good sleep at night and finding flights optimised
for all the time zones we fly through is always tricky. It’s 20 hours travelling
before we land. Luckily we get all the gear on for free, window seat as well,
nice. A Singapore sling before take off, don’t mind if I do.
Touchdown, feeling like a run over hedgehog, but at least the gear made
the transfer. Can’t say that I’m looking forward to the 10 hour drive to the
last supermarket before hitting the desert but hey, I know it’s worth it. I
think I counted five turns from leaving Perth to parking at the campsite.
Getting a driver’s license in Western Australia outside Perth cannot be a
significant obstacle in life.
Bam! Made it, 20 hours after landing it looks like we will get an evening
sesh after setting up our camp. You read campsite, well... it’s a patch of dirt
and a rock with your site number on it. If you’re lucky, there is a fireplace
made of rocks and oyster shells.

But it’s a pretty sweet setup, a tent and a friend’s camper van; we even
have a carpet so it’s shoes off when stepping into the “living room”. I had a
rolled up newspaper ready if someone thought otherwise.
You always think that you can keep things nice and clean, but you forget
that it’s howling 20 knots pretty much all day and you are in the desert.
The showers sure feel good when you have one. Not so much for getting
clean, but for washing off all the salt and sand that’s stuck to your body.
Cooking food after a full day of sailing and the sun has set, whatever
food it might be.. usually canned food, often tastes like the best meal you’ve
ever had. A fridge is worth its weight in gold here

58 JULY 2019

Fredrik between a rock and a rad place.
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