The Week India – July 21, 2019

(coco) #1

8 THE WEEK • JULY 21, 2019


On Your Mark. Get Set.

Sidharth Ghosh has been running all his life: on the
cricket ground and football field in school, and as a
marathon runner for over a decade. But when life
threw him a seemingly insurmountable challenge, he
hit the pause button to turn around and fight.

In January 2014, Sidharth, then 34, was diagnosed
with renal cell carcinoma, commonly known as kidney
cancer. “It did come as a shock. I had just run the
marathon, and even played a corporate cricket match
the day before. I went in for some tests and noticed
blood in my urine. That was when the doctors
discovered a growth on my right kidney that was
bigger than a golf ball. In fact, the growth practically
covered the whole kidney!”

When Time is of the

Although he did initially feel sorry for himself,
agonising over what he had done to deserve this,
there was no time to dwell on self-pity. Doctors
advised immediate surgery and removed his right

Recounting his post-operative recovery, Sidharth
says, “When you are diagnosed with cancer, there are
different aspects you must deal with. There is the
emotional aspect, the physical aspect, and then there
is the financial aspect. Obviously, I could see physical
changes in my body. The doctors had to remove one
kidney, a ureter, three arteries, four veins, one lymph
node and some peripheral tissue. I could barely stand
for 10 minutes or climb four steps even 10 days after

Sidharth Ghosh
“My advice is never show sympathy to
someone who is undergoing all this. I did
throw out a few people from my life who
were always negative.”
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