Muscle & Fitness UK – July 2019

(Joyce) #1


objective is to continue improving my
bodybuilding lifestyle.
“There are several factors that are in part
responsible for my longevity and success.
All of these elements come together to form
the puzzle of my life- the puzzle which
creates the core principles of my training
method that I call the PPM – Progressive
Performance Methodology.
“Bodybuilding is about more than training
the body with resistance; it is also about
following adequate nutrition and proper
supplementation. These things not only
stimulate muscle growth but are the
essential components for improving our
appearance, health and well-being. For this
to happen some specific conditions must be
fulfilled. They include; training at a
significant level of intensity, eating
reasonable quantities of healthy and
balanced meals throughout the day and
taking the right supplements that
complement and improve the first two
conditions. If these conditions are fulfilled
there is a good chance you could benefit
from a longer life and better health,
condition and shape. Good health, body
shape and a good chance of longevity are
intimately linked to each other. In other
words, you can’t have one without the other.
So although a bodybuilding lifestyle is
demanding, it can lead to benefits that
everyone can enjoy even if they are not in
good shape to begin with. Bodybuilding is
certainly demanding: resistance training
requires a great deal of physical effort and
following an adequate nutrition and proper
supplementation plan requires mental
discipline. But the price becomes worthwhile
when you start experiencing all the
numerous and positive benefits; you will feel
physically and intellectually energised, look
better aesthetically and feel empowered in
the gym, as well as within yourself in
general. All of these things will make your
life so much more.

“My conviction that bodybuilding leads to
longevity is reinforced by the way I look and
feel today. Although my face has some
wrinkles, the aesthetics of my body are the
same now as they were when I was
30-years-old. So, too, is my ability to focus
mentally and physically on performing
intense workouts. I can endure and struggle
as much as I did and I still look as good as I
looked when I was in top condition for
competitions and photo shoots.
“I have condensed this knowledge into a
revolutionary approach to bodybuilding that
I call the PPM System. This system
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