incorporates the mental and physical
methodologies I swear by.
“Maintaining a consistent bodybuilding
lifestyle today gives me the belief and the
certainty that tomorrow I will still train hard.
By reinforcing this daily it becomes a habit.
The habit, as I mentioned at the beginning of
this article, requires adequate nutrition and
supplementation in combination with a
personal training programme. I know, for
instance, that if I eat like normal people who
don’t exercise I will become
counterproductive, unable to perform at my
highest possible level during my training.
Most people give up training because they
don’t see results.
“There is no easy way to feel good and
look younger, especially as we age. We have
to train hard; we have to push ourselves to
the depths of our mental and physical
abilities in order to become conscious of the
positive effects this can produce, such as
slowing down the ageing process. Once you
realise the positive effects you won’t want
them to stop, so they will become easier to
maintain. Of course, there are always
excuses: for instance, hard training hurts
and can lead to injury or no one else is
pushing you hard so why bother. I strongly
believe from my own experiences that
nothing harmful or bad can occur from hard
and intense training as long as we listen to
our bodies and react appropriately. One good
thing about training hard is that the body and
mind will adapt and respond positively in
many ways, such as increased muscle
strength and size, improved strength and
endurance and a greater mental ability to
“When I say training hard and intense I
mean training with good form, which means
performing a full range of motion from the
point of complete extension to full
contraction and continuing until muscle
failure. Muscle failure is when you can no
longer raise the weight in a perfectly strict
fashion without cheating by poor form,
sudden bursts of momentum or using
muscles other than the one you are
targeting. Working hard and intense under
restricted conditions will not be harmful for
your body and will help you to slow down the
ageing process. Training this way for many
years has made me aware of my mental and
physical potential for each training session.
Therefore I can do my very best without
guesswork and am in tune with what I can or
can’t do, which is highly motivational. My
knowledge and my experience are my guides
on my long road to longevity. I am very much
aware that fear can inhibit us while we train,
therefore I make sure I don’t under-train in
intensity. Of course, every day I have a new
or different challenge that I have to face and
deal with just like everyone else, such as low
energy or problems in my business or in my
personal life. But I always manage to train
hard and intense using the PPM System,
which I believe to be the most suitable
training system of all for longevity.
The PPM System is a flexible training
system that incorporates all training
elements that stimulate muscle growth
- and you control it. I believe that
incorporating different training elements
is a much better system than the popular
but limited and dangerous overload system
that most people use. Training heavy is only
one training possibility among an infinity of
others that can stimulate muscle growth.
It is motivational to have more than one
approach to stimulating muscle growth and
it keeps me safe from injuries and excited
about each training session. So I regularly
change my training cycles. Each cycle helps
me to build a better one because each cycle
gives me some answers – some positive,
some negative but they all help me to design
the next cycle providing I observe what
works and what does not. There is no way
you can maintain a very good shape or
progress over a period of time if you limit
yourself to one single training system,
especially if this training system has