Muscle & Fitness UK – July 2019

(Joyce) #1

drive to push myself in anything I did. The most
influential woman in fitness for me right now
and the person who really motivates me is
Hattie Boydle.

M&F: What was the reason you first
started lifting?
KATE: I first got in to weight training because
when I was growing up I was always quite thin.
My family are all the same, it’s in our genes.
I struggled a lot in my teenage years with
comments about my physique and it was
always pointed out to me how skinny
I was. It really did affect me. It continued
in to my early twenties and at 22,
I decided I was really going to try and
do something about it. I started weight
training in January 2015. I remember
trying to squat the 20kg bar and my
legs shaking from the weight. Everyone
starts somewhere.

M&F: How long did it take you
to achieve your physique?
KATE: It has taken me over four years
to get to where I am now and for
me this is only the beginning. The
best thing about this sport is that
you are forever a work in

M&F: What do you believe is the
best advice to give a newcomer
to the sport?
KATE: To take your time. Invest in a
good coach if you are completely new to
the sport. Ensure you know what you are
doing in terms of diet and training, so you
begin on the right path.

M&F: What is the most helpful thing you
learned to help you achieve your goals?
KATE: This is a tough one. I have learned so
much, but the main thing that stands out is the
ability to not self-destruct by comparing yourself
to others. It is a personal journey and everyone is
different, so be proud of the physique you have.

M&F: How do you structure your food, what’s
your meal plan?
KATE: My food is structured into training and
rest days.

  • Carbs and protein are high on training days
    with low fats

  • On rest days, protein and fats are high with
    moderate carbs

  • I have five meals a day and eat every 2-4 hours
    depending on my schedule that day

M&F: What’s your training schedule?
KATE: Currently I am training from an upper-lower
split. Two days on, one day off. Follow Kate on Instagram: @kate_cummins

M&F: How do you balance your work life with
training when you’re tired and drained in the
last stages of your diet...Any advice for
KATE: I keep busy. Even when I am exhausted
and drained a few weeks before a show. I need
to keep occupied to avoid thinking about it. It
definitely helps me. My advice to others would
be to power through. There is no easy way
about it...those are the days that count. If you
can get through those days mentally then
you can accomplish anything.

M&F: Who or what gives you the drive to
be a competitive athlete?
KATE: My boyfriend Conor. He initially got me
into competing. I went to see one of his shows
in 2016 and I knew after seeing him up there I
wanted to work towards getting up there myself.
He pushes me every day to do better and work
hard to achieve the physique I want. For that I
am forever grateful.

M&F: What has been your hardest time
in life?
KATE: I definitely feel my teenage years
were probably the most difficult. I had
great friends, but going to an all-girls
school meant there were groups and
clicks and I felt I didn’t really fit in to
any of them. When you are young,
school is everything and you can’t see
past that.

M&F: Do you have any wise words you
can share with M&F readers?
KATE: If you feel you are not where you
want to be right now, that’s ok.... you will
be in time. Make a plan and put it into place and
don’t stop working hard for what you want until
you achieve it. You will have ups and downs along
the way but that is what makes your journey
unique and special. You will thank yourself in
the future.

M&F: What does your exercise programme
consist of?
KATE: I train an upper-lower split. I have three
different rotations of upper and lower and train
with a progressive overload approach. When
a full rotation is done I go back, repeat and try
to beat my numbers from the previous week.
If I can’t progress in weight, then I will increase
the reps.
Training like this excites me every day to get
to the gym but also makes me nervous as it is
a complete you versus you moment each time.
My sessions are intense.
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