National Geographic Traveler USA - 04.2019 - 05.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

³Our data-backed index of the world’s most delicious destinations makes for a moveable feast



One excellent dinner is
an example. Two is a
coincidence. Thousands
of excellent meals is a
trend. Here we present a
data-driven index of the
world’s best cities for food
lovers, based on qualitative
evaluations by locals and

Café-lined streets
radiate from Puerta
del Sol, a busy square
in central Madrid.

visitors alike. To create this
index, we partnered with
Resonance Consultancy,
a global advisor on
economic and tourism
development. They
measured the number of
high-quality restaurants
and culinary experiences
from online channels in
more than 200 cities.

With the menu written,
the feast commenced.
We interviewed local
experts to highlight edible
adventures in each city
on our list, from street
food to haute cuisine,
iconic dishes, markets, and
restaurants. Eat the world,
one bite at a time!

³Our data-backed index of the world’s most delicious destinations makes for a moveable feast



One excellent dinner is
an example. Two is a
coincidence. Thousands
of excellent meals is a
trend. Here we present a
data-driven index of the
world’s best cities for food
lovers, based on qualitative
evaluations by locals and

Café-lined streets
radiate from Puerta
del Sol, a busy square
in central Madrid.

visitors alike. To create this
index, we partnered with
Resonance Consultancy,
a global advisor on
economic and tourism
development. They
measured the number of
high-quality restaurants
and culinary experiences
from online channels in
more than 200 cities.

With the menu written,
the feast commenced.
We interviewed local
experts to highlight edible
adventures in each city
on our list, from street
food to haute cuisine,
iconic dishes, markets, and
restaurants. Eat the world,
one bite at a time!
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