National Geographic Traveler USA - 08.2019 - 09.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1

³In search of an idyllic escape? Here are 21 amazing islands in 21 U.S. states and territories.



Maine’s Monhegan
Island waves the
Stars and Stripes.

As an inveterate island
explorer who’s visited more
than 130 of them for my
Islands of America website,
I’m a firm believer in the
restorative power of escap-
ing to places that leave the
rest of the world behind.
With islands offering beach
walks, boat trips, sunshine,
and saltwater, it’s a wonder
we travelers ever come
home. In fact you could
spend the rest of your life
hopping around America’s
20,000-plus named islands
that feature everything
from architectural wonders
and seafood festivals to
wild bison. The hundreds
of barrier islands also per-
form an essential service,
protecting the mainland
from storm surges. Here
are some of my favorite
islands and why they make
for great getaways.
—Anna Marlis Burgard

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