National Geographic Traveler USA - 08.2019 - 09.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1


flour for sweet canistrelli biscuits, turned into paste to spread on

fresh bread, made into liqueur, baked into a savory polenta-like

pudding, and enthusiastically consumed not only by the human

residents of the island, but also by sangliers, semiwild boars,

whose meat is flavored by their predilection for the nut.

I buy two jars of honey. Tapping one of the lids, the vendor

says, “Strong.” When I sample it, I let out an involuntary “Whoa,”

surprised by a completely un-honeylike bite. Instead of a round

sweetness, this honey came armed with a sharp, astringent note

of ... Marmite? Makeup remover? Even before I can properly

the faces of singers making

such a religious sound.

undisguised passion in

I’d never seen such

This was not a church pew

bathroom floor prayer.

prayer. This was a

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