World Literature Today – July 01, 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1





Alberto Chimal 53
Jane Hirshfield 58
Chris Arthur 60
David Holmgren 65
Márcia Wayna Kambeba 70
Tiffany Higgins 71
Sandra Jensen 72
Pireeni Sundaralingam 74


here is no scien-
tific dispute that
the Earth’s climate
is warming and becoming
less stable because of
human activity. For many
in the West, lulled by cli-
mate-controlled houses
and deep federal subsi-
dies into the industrial
agriculture practices that
are in a large part driving
climate change, the question
continues to arise, “When is
climate change going to land
in my backyard?” For others,
especially those inhabiting
the global South, “When?” is
now. Through this section, we
hope to ground a subject too
immense to conceive in its
fullness through lived human
experiences as captured in the
written word.

background Birds Watching, by Jenny Kendler,
part of Indicators: Artists on Climate Change at
Storm King Art Center, depicts one hundred eyes
of bird species threatened or endangered by
climate change. Printed reflective film mounted
on aluminum with steel frame, 10 x 40 x 1 ft,

  1. Image courtesy of the artist.

52 W LT SUMMER 2019

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