World Literature Today – July 01, 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

The Grand Experiment

by Alberto Chimal

Eventually the question became this: How to continue with the grand
experiment? And taken to its logical conclusion, what remains?

  1. Immigration was officially banned in a
    large number of countries, mostly devel-
    oped ones. This happened first.

  2. Later, summary executions began at the
    borders, on the coasts, and (in some cases)
    at internment camps and reeducation camps
    that were established within those countries.

  3. The politicians who defended such mea-
    sures pointed to the fact that there were more
    displaced populations than ever before.

  4. Nevertheless, they all explained it in a jar-
    ring way, making use of popular lies, using
    well-known dog whistles.
    5. They were invaders, they said, little more
    than animals, perverse beings, committed
    to evil, hordes determined to destroy the
    culture, values, traditions, and purity of the
    countries they were attempting to enter.
    6. Many drowned in the sea, died of thirst
    and hunger in deserts and hostile terrain, or
    were executed in their countries of origin,
    which were often embroiled in civil war or
    taken over by extremist governments, caci-
    ques, or cartels.
    7. There was no talk of the causes of the
    instability of so many places in the world,
    especially in underdeveloped countries,

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