World Literature Today – July 01, 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. No one described any system of govern-
    ment in this way. But nor did they talk about
    the Grand Experiment either.

  2. The worst storm and hurricane season
    recorded in human history culminated
    in millions of deaths and dozens of sub-
    merged islands.

  3. It was no longer possible to deny that
    weather patterns, altered decades before,
    had become erratic to the point of being
    unpredictable, not to mention extremely

  4. Almost every media outlet and leader
    continued to deny that anything abnormal
    was happening, but different groups of spe-
    cialists and influential people began to meet
    in secret to devise a solution.

  5. The solution should leave intact privi-
    leges enjoyed by businessmen, politicians,
    and other important persons.

  6. The solution should not disturb any
    faith or tribal conviction of any country,
    including those growing out of religious or
    magical thinking and that denied the valid-
    ity of science.

  7. A great mass extinction of species took
    place all over the planet.

  8. Large portions of the Amazon and other
    jungle areas dried up.

  9. Large plains in Asia, Europe, Africa,
    Oceania, and America were devastated by

  10. Large numbers of people, imprisoned
    between frontiers they were unable to cross
    and regions to which they could not return,
    attempted to subsist in subhuman condi-
    tions: they either rebelled or were victims of
    attacks from all sides.

  11. The various working groups, always in
    secret so as not to disturb populations or

dignitaries, all concluded that there was
no solution.

  1. They were comforted by the idea that
    the time to resolve the problematic trends at
    the time had passed several decades earlier.

  2. If work had only been done then to less-
    en the destructive effects of human action,
    they said.

  3. If work had only been done then to alle-
    viate inequality, the preservation of which
    (it was now clear) had contributed to such
    an extent to general instability.

  4. If they had only sought and supported
    decisively—during the time of the parents

and grandparents of those who spoke—
other sources of energy.

  1. Obviously, those parents and grandpar-
    ents would never have attempted anything
    like that. But nobody mentioned it.

  2. All this happened during the years when
    food began to be less abundant, even in the
    most favored regions.

  3. The challenge now was to leave the
    past behind, many said, and consider the
    problem in another way, to find a different

  4. It no longer made sense to ask if the
    Earth could be saved, or restored to a state
    better than it was.

  5. The question should now be this: how to
    continue with the Grand Experiment.

  6. When formulating the question, nobody
    explicitly mentioned the Grand Experiment.

  7. It was posed, rather, in this way: how
    to saves the lives of the largest possible
    number of people living in the distressing
    and regrettable circumstances that every-
    one acknowledged.

  8. When the time came to select whom
    to help first, every possible consideration
    was given to politics, public life, and social

  9. The opinion of the owners of the large
    technology companies was also taken into

  10. The great minds that, for so many
    years, had been devoted to mitigating the
    effects of the concentration of wealth while
    moving the world forward and, naturally,
    creating even more wealth, for themselves
    and their shareholders.

  11. The World Wide Web, which by then
    was already highly compartmentalized, cen-
    sored, and monitored, was closed entirely to

The solution should
not disturb any faith or
tribal conviction of any
country, including those
growing out of religious
or magical thinking and
that denied the validity
of science.

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