World Literature Today – July 01, 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1


the poorest 90 percent of the countries in
the world.

  1. Likewise, all contact between the most
    fortunate nations and the others was sup-
    pressed and all movement banned.

  2. That happened first.

  3. The intention was to cut off the sourc-
    es of information and the possibilities of
    movement of the less fortunate sector of the
    species: to prevent it from anticipating what
    was going to happen.

  4. What was to happen was at first called
    the Exodus. Later, the Retreat. Finally, the
    advertising agency in charge of the cam-
    paign was replaced by another one, more
    closely allied to a handful of extremely pow-
    erful billionaires.

  5. The second agency dubbed the proposal
    as the Advance Party and proposed it as a
    project for the whole of humanity.

  6. That is to say, the portion of humanity
    that knew about the plan, that saw the vid-
    eos and the announcements, and to which
    the shutdown of global communications
    had been sold as a great achievement, in the
    face of the threat of the resentful, the wicked,
    the savages.

  7. The project consisted of opening up new
    habitable areas: nothing less than the colo-
    nization—now that the Earth was heating
    up—of the polar regions.

  8. Thousands of years of ice had melted. It
    would soon be a temperate zone. It was nec-
    essary to get there first, before the others.
    To establish areas for housing, cultivation,
    mining, or oil exploitation.

  9. The stories of the great European
    explorers from previous centuries were
    revived: those who had died in search of
    the South Pole or the Northwest Passage.

There was talk of heroism, adventure,
effort, and triumph.

  1. Later, the war of extermination against
    the populations that were already living in
    the polar areas began. They would not be
    part of the Advance Party.

  2. In this war, the wealthiest and fiercest
    weapons companies were able to put their
    conventional arsenal into action as never
    before in history.

  3. Never had there been a war so big or so
    quick against the rest of the world: the rest
    of the 90 percent, because they had been
    kept sufficiently at bay, and it was expected
    that most would die in the first decade alone
    of the Advance Party.
    70. Beside this, always in the back of the
    minds of the best people on Earth, lay the
    Grand Experiment.
    71. This was not actually an articulated
    principle, much less promoted or studied.
    But they all defended it, and it was easy to
    72. The Grand Experiment was simply the
    objective of the existing political and eco-
    nomic systems during that period of the
    world, and of their predecessors.
    73. The Grand Experiment: to maximize the
    welfare and power—and at the same time to
    minimize the size—of the ruling castes.
    74. Many decisions were made, as always,
    with the implicit aim of ensuring the success
    of the Grand Experiment.
    75. For example, the big weapons manufac-
    turers should receive greater opportunities
    to develop and sell their products, which
    meant using the ones they already had.
    76. In this way, several nuclear bombs were
    used in areas that were already considered
    lost. Above all, in those near the bor-
    ders of the fortunate nations, to intimidate
    through fear.
    77. And other forms of subtler and less
    polluting weapons were deployed in more
    remote areas.
    78. The first to arrive in the newly cleared
    polar areas were the workers: millions of
    bodies, with the help of machines, in charge
    of preparing the land, erecting buildings,
    constructing new cities.
    79. They all came from their regions’ lower
    castes and were slaves: hired as such, or
    taken from prisons, and other sources of
    personnel for forced labor.
    80. Most were not going to return nor had
    anywhere else to go.

The project consisted
of opening up new
habitable areas:
nothing less than the
colonization – now that
the Earth was heating
up – of the polar

56 W LT SUMMER 2019

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