Outlook – July 20, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

50 OutlOOk 22 July 2019

Tamil Nadu has been one of
the pioneering states in
higher education. In fact,
Tamil Nadu government runs
nearly 100 colleges in the
state. Can you throw some
light on the ongoing efforts
in the state?
As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, it
achieved 48.6 GER which is quite an
achievement. State will achieve the
GER goal (50) in a year or two, much
before others. The reasons behind this
success are as follows:

•    51 Universities    (including  State   and
Deemed universities), 8 Institutes
of national importance and 2423
colleges are providing higher
education. Further, 181 colleges
have attained autonomous status
and 498 institutions have NAAC

•    Considering    the trends  in  Arts,   
Science and Education,
government has opened 29 new
colleges in last five years. Currently
112 colleges are now running to




Mangat Ram Sharma, I.A.S
Principal Secretary
Higher Education Department,
Government Of Tamil Nadu

ensure that higher education
reaches Rs.1.5 lakh students from
all social strata.

•    Free   education,  fee exemption   for
first-generation graduates, welfare
hostels, merit scholarships, study-
abroad program, young scientist
awards, scientific awareness
programs, remedial coaching
classes, funded workshops,
seminars and conferences are the
numerous efforts taken by the state
which make it a pioneer.

QS for Thiru

mangaT ram Sharma

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