Design anD
Creativity to Drive
future growth
esign and creativity have changed our lives, like never before.
New opportunities, collapsing boundaries, unpredictability,
technology and changing attitudes are redefining the aca-
demic, social and industrial ecosystems today.
As unimaginable opportunities are increasing, the boundaries
between disciplines and career paths are blurring and sometimes
disappearing completely. The big question is: How can education
institutions provide direction and innovation for a comprehensive
learning experience for students of tomorrow?
The World Economic Forum has identified Creativity as one of
the top 3 skills required in the future along with complex problem
solving and critical thinking. The future of work report says that in
2022, 9% of the available jobs would be new and those that do not
exist today. 60% of the new age jobs will fall under analytics, design
and artificial intelligence. This explains the worldwide increase in de-
mand for design and creative education graduates.
In this scenario, creative thought leaders like Pearl Academy are
focused on innovation, creative excellence and fostering a global,
vibrant learning ecosystem. Pearl is at the forefront by creating flex-
ible, multi-disciplinary curricula that encourage thinking beyond
the walls and facilitate global exposure.
At a recent event What’s Next – The Creative Spark hosted by
Pearl Academy, Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog too voted for de-
sign and said “There can’t be Make in India without Design and In-
novation in India. The real value in manufacturing is added by de-
sign. The real value in any form of growth is added by design. If India
has to become an advanced country, design needs to be the essence
of its thinking.”
Anup Sasidharan, VP Academic Operations at Pearl Academy
says, “It’s no longer about becoming a graduate with certain critical
skill-sets. Increasingly, recruiters
want employees who are team
players, collaborators, empa-
thetic innovators, with creativity,
problem solving and analytical
abilities. Our academicians work
towards creating an individual
who is socially responsible and
a creative professional, who has
the capacity to design for ‘the
greater good’ of communities
and eventually the nation.”
22 July 2019 OutlOOk 59
Niti Aayog CEO, Amitabh Kant releasing the book What’s Next - The Impact Of
Design Towards Nation Building. Others present include Ramneek K. Majithia, Dean,
Academic Design and Innovation, Pearl Academy; Sharad Mehra, President, Creative
Arts Education Society; Prof. Vikas Satwalekar, Former Executive Director, NID and
Prof. Nandita Abraham, President, Pearl Academy
Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog,
Addressing the gathering at What’s Next
- The Creative Spark hosted by Pearl
Academy in Mumbai recently.
Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-President of India being greeted by CA.
Prafulla P. Chhajed, President and CA. Atul Kumar Gupta, Vice-President, ICAI
on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee & 70th Chartered Accountants Day of ICAI
on July 1st, 2019 at New Delhi.
he 70th Chartered Accountants Day of ICAI was celebrated on
July 1st all across the country with great enthusiasm and zeal.
July 1st is a landmark day in the history of ICAI as on this day
ICAI was set up to regulate the Profession of Chartered Accountancy
in India in the year 1949. This CA Day was more special as the
Institute has reached a significant milestone i.e. Platinum Jubilee of
its glorious existence.
The 70th Chartered Accountants Day in Delhi was inaugurated
by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Vice-President of India.
The event was also graced by Shri Injeti Srinivas, IAS, Secretary,
Ministry of Corporate Affairs & Dr. In-Ki Joo, President,
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Present were CA.
Prafulla P. Chhajed, President & CA. Atul Kumar Gupta, Vice-
President, ICAI and over 1200 CA Members and stakeholders.
While addressing the gathering Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu,
Hon’ble Vice-President of India said “Indian accounting profession-
als have been working relentlessly working to fulfill the dreams of the
founding fathers of their role of quality services envisaged by them.”
Shri Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
while addresing the participants remarked “I acknowledge the big
work ICAI has done over the years. It is because of the inherent
strength of this great institution that has helped it sustain all these
decades with such greatness.”
Dr. In-Ki Joo, President, IFAC said “ I congratulate ICAI on this
great day. ICAI has done a great job in implementing GST and tax re-
forms in India. Since the very beginning, ICAI has been contributing
immensely to the CA Profession not only in India but also globally.”
CA. Prafulla P. Chhajed, President, ICAI said “Since beginning
ICAI has been contributing to national & global economy.
Chartered Accountants are constantly making positive effect in
business & industry.”
CA. Atul Kumar Gupta, Vice-President, ICAI said “Every CA
of this profession is like a soldier of Indian army who acts not only
as a catalyst to the growth of Indian economy but also ensures the
adoption of prudent practices & standards that safeguards the
interest of common man”.
ICAI has achieved significant milestones in the field of
accountancy and is poised to play a greater role in changing the
global landscape and strengthening the foundation of resurgent
India by taking the profession to the newer zeniths.
iCai Celebrates Platinum
Jubilee & 70
aCCountants Day