Outlook – July 20, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
by Sudhirendar Sharma


MITAV Ghosh’s anxiety on the
subject of climate change had
come out clearly in The Great
Derangement (2016), wherein
his conjecture on our collective
inability to fathom lurking
dangers of climate change was united
with an absence of serious literature
on the subject. The world has changed
too much, too fast and so profoundly
that not much sense can be made of it
in non-fiction. Therefore, the conven-
tional cause-effect narrative on the
emerging environmental catastro-
phe rarely engages a large section
of the affected and elicits a collec-
tive response.
It is only through stories that the
universe can speak to us, contends
Ghosh, and our failure to listen may
invite punishment. It makes sense
as we are the only species gifted with
the faculty of storytelling that helps
us capture the inward mysteries of
our existence. Gun Island provides the
mythical backdrop that connects the
past with the present in Dinanath or
Deen’s journey in tracing the footsteps
of the gun merchant who had suppos­
edly traversed the world in search of a
safe haven to evade the wrath of the
goddess of snakes, Manasa Devi. Deen’s
travels from the marshes of the Sundar­
bans to the gradually sinking Venice via
fire­ravaged California is intermeshed
with flights of imagination over dots of
reality in building a compulsive story of
contemporary relevance.
Plotted over a span of three centuries,
from the little ice age to the current phase
of global warming, the story remains alive
to the unfolding ecological crises. The
alarming decline of Irrawa ddy dolphins
in the Sundarbans and the invasion of
venomous brown recluse spider in Venice
provide evidence of shocking things
happening around us. Ghosh brings to life
non­human, silent, characters in the

story—essentially a heady cocktail of
myths, folklore and legends. “The pri­
mary literary challenge of our time is to
give voice to the non­human”. Gun Island
succeeds in integrating the non­human
into an abs orbing, partly thrilling, novel
that blurs the lines between the real and
the imaginary. Kneading past with pres­
ent, connecting the human with the
non­ human, and coupling myth with
rea lity emerge as its most striking feature,
an essential prelude to looking beyond
the obvious in making a sense of the per­
vasive crisis looming over us all.

Resting on the undercurrents of mig­
ration, a theme that has engaged the aut­
hor since the Ibis trilogy, Gun Island
provides astute observations on migra­
tion—posited here as function of pove rty
as well as a quest for connectedness. One
of the most urgent and fraught themes
that our political structures have sought
to evade has fuelled tales of escape from
destitution and persecution. But Ghosh’s
essential point is that the theory of depri­
vation is insufficient to explain the advent
of the ‘people­moving industry’—one the
world’s biggest and still growing enter­

prises. More than freak cyclones, smart­
phones and computers are stoking the
desire for connecting with a perceived
world of opportunities elsewhere. Does
this notion of interconnection, while
exp anding small worlds, not play back on
the abandoned rivers and fields?
The exceptionally gifted Ghosh crea tes
an imagery we may not have sensed bef­
ore. Rising temperatures and shifting
habitats are inextricably linked to our
past, things humans have lost control
over. It follows that we do not recognise
the problems created by our way of life. As
every individual is ince ntivised to
imp rove his/her sta ndard of living,
with states driven by the capitalist
model of growth, what will drive us to
exit the comfort zone of this ‘new
normal’ remains a vexed question.
Gun Island has all that which draws
attention to the symptoms of demo nic
possession that the world of today
presents. Towards the end of the novel,
the glamorous Italian historian lets
Deen get a sense of her predicament:
“everybody knows what must be done if
the world is to continue to be a livable
place...and yet we are powerless, even the
most powerful among us. We go about our
daily business through habit, as though
we are in the grip of forces that have
overwhelmed our will; we see shocking
and monstrous things happening around
us and we avert our eyes; we surrender
ourselves willingly to whatever it is that
has us in power.”
As public response to climate change
is caught between the polarities of
widespread denial and overt activism—
which is also under surveillance by the
military­industrial complex—fiction
has the power to knock society free of
the shackles of cultural cognition and
motivated reasoning. Ghosh argues
that there can be no compelling period
in human history to recognise the urg­
ency for such an engagement. O
(Sudhirendar Sharma is an independent
writer, researcher and academic)

A Bullet With Manasa’s Name

Ghosh deploys myth and history to focus on the scary maw of a violated
nature and the digitally-aided transfer of people. And we carry on, in denial.

booksAmitav Ghosh
Gun Island | Penguin RandomHouse | 286 pages | Rs 699

In the mist hanging over
the Sundarbans, Ghosh
blurs lines between real
and imaginary, kneads
past with present, human
with non-human and
myth with reality.

62 OUTLOOK 22 July 2019

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