Death stats
Every year 50 billion chickens,
1.5billionpigs, 500 millionsheep,
400 million goats, and 300 mil-
Globally, in 2016 the adult mor-
tality rate — the probability of
someone over the age of 15 dy-
ing before reaching his/her 60th
birthday — was 142 per 1,000
population, or 14.2 per cent.
21 countries performed execu-
ecutedin 2018 wereChina,Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Iraq,
Egypt, USA, Japan, Pakistan,
Of the 56.9 million deaths – just
under one per cent of the popu-
lation – worldwide in 2016, 27
per cent were due to the top two
causes: heart disease and stroke.
Road injuries killed 1.4 million
menandboys.HIV/AIDSkilled 1
The median cost of a funeral
with viewing and burial in the
USin 2014 wasUSD$7,181.Prices
for burial caskets rose 230 per
centfromDecember 1986 toSep-
The first funerals in Egypt date
back to 4,000 BCE. People were
buried in a round grave with one
pot, which was probably intend-
ed to hold food for the deceased.
The number of people who will
die in the next 15 years is equiva-
lent to the entire world popula-
tion in 1800.
Of the 9.77 million who died in
2014 in China, 45.6 per cent were
cremated. An attraction in Shang-
hai gives participants the oppor-
tunity to experience virtual cre-
mation before being ‘resurrected’
through a latex womb chute.
The Aokigahara Forest at the
base of Mount Fuji, Japan, has
various signs to visitors, such as,
“Please consult the police before
you decide to die!” More than 500
people have committed suicide
there in the past 70 years.