New Philosopher – July 2019

(Kiana) #1

Thoughts on... death NewPhilosopher

“Do not go gentle into
that good night.”
Dylan Thomas

“It is not death that a
man should fear, but nev-
er beginning to live.”
Marcus Aurelius

“Death must be an evil —
and the gods agree;
for why else would they
live forever?”

“I’d rather die on my
feet than live on my
Emiliano Zapata

“Bereavement is a dark-
ness impenetrable to the
imagination of the un-
Iris Murdoch

“It is a fearful thing
to love what Death can
Josephine Jacobson

“One has to pay dear-
ly for immortality;
one has to die several
times while one is still
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Death walks faster than
the wind and never re-
turns what he has taken.”
Hans Christian Andersen
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