In pictures: 4x4s and off-road stories from around the world
Ex-army Land Rovers are popular among military enthusiasts, classic
Zehicle fans and off-roaders alike. There’s a fine example featured in this
issue of 4x4, indeed, so we thought it would be a good time to take a look
at them back when they were still in the army.
Like all proper 4x4s, Army Land Rovers get up to all sorts. You might
find them on patrol in city centres Beirut and Belfast, here
, on Cold ;ar
exercises near the old East German border or launching surveillance
drones in Afghanistan. =ou might eZen find them being hammered around a
;elsh forest by the Army’s rally team.
But arguably the most striking pictures here are of 0and RoZers without
driZers on board. There’s a couple of ;olfs being deliZered by Chinook, a
remote-control 110 carrying ground-penetrating radar on mine clearance
duty and an old 7eries II still in serZice at the *usilier Museum in Bury,
0ancashire, as© a ¾ower bed.
8 | AUGUST 2019
Main pic: Steve Dock, British Army. Contains public sector information licensed
under the Open Government Licence v3.0. MOD/© Crown copyright 2012
Above right: Army of Lebanon, by James Case @, CC BY 2.
Right: Shane Wilkinson, British Army. Contains public sector information licensed
under the Open Government Licence v3.0. MOD/© Crown copyright 2014
Below: Land Rover Wolf XD - WRC Wales Rally GB 2009 - Myherin by Bob Bob
@, CC BY 2.