4×4 Magazine UK – August 2019

(Joyce) #1

70 | AUGUST 2019 4x4





Lane Association recently took
part in a Day of Action on a
prominent Surrey byway. Illegal
off-roading by a small number of
bikers and 4x4 drivers has long
been a problem in the county,
and the GLASS volunteers were
joined by representatives of
the Trail Riders Fellowship, the
Forestry Commission and the Mole
Valley Rural Crime Unit as well
as National Trust rangers, Surrey
County Highways and Rights of Way
Offi cers and police on both trail
bikes and horseback.
They were also joined by a
barbecue, allowing them to hand
out more than seventy bacon

sandwiches during the course of
the day. Evidence that the way
to a green laner’s heart is indeed
through his stomach...
The event, which started as an
idea suggested by GLASS Surrey
Rep Stuart Boreham at a local
access committee meeting, gained
traction when it was taken up by
Surrey’s Rural Crimes policing
unit as part of its county-wide
‘Dragnet’ operation. In the end,
three full teams spent the day
stationed on sites that were
expected to have some of the
heaZiest motor Zehicle traffi c.
These were Frensham Common,
Sheepwalk Lane and Wolverns Lane.
The idea was to try and engage

positively with the lanes’ various
user groups, rather than dishing out
the nanny-state behaviour many
of us have encountered. Readers
who use public rights of way well
may have ‘enjoyed’ the experience
of being treated with suspicion, or
indeed as downright criminals, by

police offi cers on this kind of spot-
check duty.
It would be fantastic to report
that as a result of the day’s
activities, a group of irresponsible
4x4 users was caught red-handed
and the book was thrown at them
in a very public manner – or even

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