Charlotte Magazine – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1


ON A MILD EVENING in January, thick, gray
smoke rolls over the top of St. Luke’s Lutheran
Church and twists past the line of headlights
that point south on Park Road during rush
hour. The smell of burning hickory seeps
through closed windows. Curious commuters
turn into the church parking lot, where nearly
two dozen large metal grills are heaped with
pork butts. Boys and their parents hustle from
one task to another.
This temporary setup, blanketed in smoke
and brimming with youthful energy, is among
the most popular places to †nd barbecue in
the city—one of many fundraisers run by the
city’s Boy Scout troops.
“Charge this man double,” says Gary Swan-
son, the scoutmaster, as I walk into the gym-
nasium to buy a few pounds of Lexington-
style barbecue. I spent my boyhood in this
particular unit, Troop 355, which, like most
scouting units, uses this event to raise money
for epic adventures. Thanks to barbecue sales,
we canoed the Boundary Waters of Minne-
sota, sailed for 10 days in the Bahamas, and
backpacked in New Mexico. My buddies and
I would carry wood, pick
and pack containers of
chopped pork, and get
grease stains on our jeans,
while our parents stoked
the †res and stirred pots of
vinegary sauce. Like many
troops, 355 sells bulk bar-
becue by the pound, as
well as plates and sand-
wiches with slaw and
baked beans.
One of the city’s longest-
running Scout barbecue
events belongs to Troop
33, chartered to Sardis
Presbyterian Church in
southeast Charlotte. The
troop started cooking
barbecue for fun in the
1970s and turned it into a
fundraiser on Super Bowl
weekend in 1994.

“Half the crew has been on the job since
the †rst year,” says Mike Olert, a volunteer
whose sons are now grown. At its peak, Troop
33 cooked six tons of meat in 24 hours; this
past year, members cooked 7,200 pounds of
Lexington-style, cinder block-pit-cooked pork,
bottled 175 gallons of sauces, and prepared
920 quarts of Brunswick stew.
Many of these Scout troops have loyal cus-
tomers—and in some cases, decades-long fol-
lowings—who mark their calendars and order
in advance. Barbecue typically runs either side
of $10 a pound, and pints of sauce usually sell
for four or †ve bucks apiece. Yes, the barbecue
is good (and, in some cases, better than what
you’ll †nd at Charlotte restaurants), but diners
o¡en support the troops because of what their
purchase buys for the young Scouts.
“We had auctions, car washes, sold pop-
corn, and other projects, but none of these
collectively really provided enough funds,”
says Michael Turner of Troop 19 in Hunt-
ersville, which serves its pork eastern-style.
“What is more North Carolina than barbe-
cue?” —Adam Rhew

Providence United
Methodist Church,
2810 Providence Rd.
STYLE: Eastern
TIMING: Mid-March

Huntersville Presbyterian
201 Old Statesville Rd.,
STYLE: Eastern
TIMING: Super Bowl

Sardis Presbyterian Church,
6100 Sardis Rd.
STYLE: Western
TIMING: Super Bowl

Matthews United
Methodist Church,
801 S. Trade St., Matthews
STYLE: Eastern
TIMING: October

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church,
3200 Park Rd.
STYLE: Eastern, Western
TIMING: Mid-January


Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,

Friendly, Grease-Stained

Some of the city’s best pork is made by its Boy Scout troops

Troop 11 scout leader Alan Wilson assists Matthew
King, Trevor Hoffman, and Ben Bohmfalk as they
prepare and package barbecue for sale.

Troop 11 leader and hogmaster Devin Ware checks the
pork butts while scout leader John Snelshire assists.
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