The South African Artist – July 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
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Many famous artists, including Picasso, Miro and Degas painted pictures on cardboard. Cardboard
is not just economical and readily available but also recyclable. While not the best material for an oil
painting many fine art paintings completed on cardboard have survived in museums for many years.

  • Recycled Cardboard Box

  • Acrylic Gel medium

  • Cotton Fabric

  • White Gesso

  • Masking Tape

  • Paint Brushes


Facebook: VeronikaOlivierArt |

Learning Centre with Veronika Olivier

In order to make the best use of cardboard as a canvas it should be primed. This is because
cardboard tends to absorb paint and can warp. It will also last much longer if it is properly
prepared for painting. Cheaper cardboard makes a good support for practicing brush strokes
and testing new materials. Cardboard is also good for throw-away experiments, colour
swatches and value scales. The following step-by-step is how to prepare a recycled cardboard
box as a permanent canvas to paint on with acrylics or oils.

  1. I often use pizza boxes to make canvasses to paint on and always fill them up with
    recycled plastic in an effort to support the fight against plastic pollution, but this is

  2. Tape the box with masking tape to make it sturdy.

  3. Cut the fabric with extra allowance to fold over the sides and the back of the box.

  4. Apply a generous layer of Gel Medium on the top and sides and lay the fabric over it. When
    it is dry paint a thin layer of gel medium over the fabric.

  5. Fold the corners on the sides before you apply Gel Medium.

  6. When the fabric is dry apply 2 to 3 layers of Gesso in different directions waiting for each
    layer to dry in between.

  7. You can paint or collage the back of the box for finishing touches. Your new recycled
    canvas is ready for acrylic or oil painting.

In the past cardboard was mostly used
for painting reference materials and
visual aids when painting large, complex
compositions, but contemporary artists
mostly use it as a permanent substrate
for sketches and paintings.
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