The South African Artist – July 2019

(C. Jardin) #1


For my references, I looked for a beach scene that I was familiar with.
But the usual landscape format would not do so I selected a portrait
format. This format can help to shift things around a little more and
create dynamic energy. I merged two references to get the kind of
sky that I wanted. Diagonal lines in the sky and on the land help to
increase drama and energy.


I decided to add painting knives to the same Amsterdam acrylic paints
that I have been using in this series. One of the thoughts I have is
to see what subjects I can take on with a basic set of acrylics. For
preparation, I made a few notan studies to settle the composition. I
am also using a primed painting panel measuring 50 x 35 cm.


For this painting, I have in mind simplifying
the landscape into blocks of colour. I want to
avoid making the scene too impressionistic
or resolved. When there is close attention to
colour temperature, small shapes and edges, the
painting tends to become too representational.
Instead, I wanted a more graphic look and solid
colours would help to achieve this.

Instead of following a typical value-based
approach of darks to lights I decided on a simple
approach of working from the top down. So with
a size 12 acrylics flat brush, I started to block
in the blue sky. I am using Sky Blue with a little
Ultramarine at the top of the panel to graduate the
sky a little. Old habits die hard as I was to find out
with this painting.

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