Essentials South Africa – August 2019

(Brent) #1


Bonnie v





n a world where we’re encouraged
to be independent, you may worry
that asking for help means that
you’re imposing on someone, or
that you appear ‘weak’. Yet for all
the reasons you may be loathed to ask
someone for help, there are just as
many why you should. ‘think about the
last time you helped someone,’ says
psychologist Sally-Anne McCormack.
‘did you feel good helping them or did
you feel burdened by it? Chances are
you felt really good. if you don’t allow
people to help you, then you’re stopping
them from having that same sense of
satisfaction.’ there is, however, an art
to asking for support...

  1. Be prepared
    Make a list of five or more people you
    can rely on for help, such as a partner,
    a colleague or an old school friend. For
    one thing, it’s best not to put all your
    eggs in one basket – at least one person
    on your list may be unable or unwilling to
    help you with your problem. Remember,
    identifying people to turn to in a crisis is
    best done when you’re feeling calm and
    clear-headed, not when you’re already in
    the depths of despair.

  2. Write it down
    If your problem is an emotionally fraught
    one, it can be overwhelming just figuring
    out where to start. Writing everything
    down in a letter will enable you to order

your thoughts and concerns so that
when you go to someone, you can say
clearly, ‘This is my problem and this is
how I think you can help.’ Just seeing
it written down on paper could also help
you feel more in control – you can always
destroy the letter afterwards if you don’t
want to hold onto it.

  1. Set up a time
    Rather than catching someone
    totally off guard, have some
    preliminary communication
    first. Say, ‘I really need to get
    your advice on something. Is
    there a time that I can speak
    to you tomorrow?’ By doing
    this, you’ve set them up to say
    yes and given them a chance
    to feel prepared. You’re also
    giving them time to come up
    with good solutions rather than
    just whatever comes to mind.

  2. Be goal orientated
    Think about what you really need so
    you’re not expecting the other person to
    read your mind and figure out what they
    should do. Or just tell them straight up
    that you don’t need any problems solved,
    that you just need someone to listen and
    give you a hug.

  3. Prepare for rejection
    Yes, rejection is a risk you take when
    asking for help, so brace yourself for

the possibility. If someone turns you
down, it’s either because they weren’t
ready, willing or able to support you, or
they just don’t understand your situation.
Try not to take rejection personally; they
could be saying no for any number of
reasons, which could include wanting
what’s best for you.

  1. Show gratitude
    When you need help, it’s
    easy to slip into a state of
    ‘everything is about me’.
    Make sure you show that
    you value someone for what
    they’ve done – they’re more
    likely to help again in the
    future if they feel their
    efforts are appreciated.
    7. Choose your
    words carefully
    When asking for help in certain situations
    like at work, first figure out if you really
    need it. A good vent can make us feel
    much better, so it’s tempting to disguise
    a complaint of feeling overworked or
    under-supported by a colleague as a cry
    for help. And remember that going to
    your manager with a problem and with
    no solutions effectively just makes your
    problem theirs. A better approach would
    be to brainstorm solutions and present
    them – your manager will appreciate
    that you’ve at least tried to troubleshoot
    the problem first.

your Life | smart ideas

How to ask

‘Make sure you

show that you

value someone

for what they

have done’

‘Help’ doesn’t need to be a four-letter word

but there’s a right and wrong way to ask for it

for heLP

and get it

life fix
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