Essentials South Africa – August 2019

(Brent) #1

Find tHe

‘doing notHing’

tHat suits you

We can be divided into three
personality types: the Mind type, who
lives in their head and needs mental
distraction to help them switch off; the
Heart type, who is attuned to their
feelings; and the Body type, who
focuses on what their bodies are trying
to tell them. We all have some of these
traits, but one will dominate.

 Mind type: Distract yourself by
replacing your thoughts with other
ideas, whether reading, listening to
an audiobook or the radio, or doing
a puzzle or crossword.

 Heart type: Pick the people
you need around to help you relax.
Maybe it’s as simple as sharing a
coffee and chatting or, if there’s no
one around, just enjoy daydreaming
about those you love.

 Body type: Going for a walk
or doing some relaxation exercises,
where you are consciously squeezing
and relaxing each muscle in your body,
works best to help you unwind.


oes everyone tell you
you’re too busy? People
around us often see things
before we do, so if your
loved ones are telling you
things like, ‘You’re wearing yourself
thin’ or ‘i never see you any more’,
it’s a sure sign that your routine needs
a major overhaul. don’t dismiss their
comments. A good starting point for
change is to take a day for
yourself and go somewhere
peaceful to assess your time
and life priorities, but don’t
be too hard on yourself:
change doesn’t happen
overnight. Follow our tips
to get the time you need
to make your life feel
more balanced...

you’ve earned tHis

If the idea of doing nothing sounds like
pure bliss yet never seems to happen,
then ask yourself why you can’t switch
off without feeling you should be doing
something else? Setting goals is fine, but
getting too used to pushing yourself can
mean feeling bad about taking it easy.
All this leads to a ‘hurry sickness’ where
you equate chilling out with being lazy
and selfish.
trY tHiS Book in a regular slot of ‘doing
nothing time’ each week. Not only will
you be better company and perform
better at work, you’ll also be infinitely
less stressed. ‘Idle time’ changes the
brain’s chemistry, increasing the feel-
good hormone serotonin and leaving
you calmer and more in control.

silence tHe cHatter

You’ve promised yourself some down
time at home, so why do random worries
keep entering your head and spoiling the
moment? Often, before we can switch off,
we need to clear our minds of any niggles.
trY tHiS Instead of battling your
worries, allow yourself 10 minutes to
brainstorm solutions to the problem.
Grab a pen and paper to jot down ideas.
Ask yourself: what have I tried? Have
I been in this situation before? How did
I cope then? Right, 10 minutes are up,
now let the guilt-free idle time begin...
If a problem still keeps popping into your
head during your ‘off time’, you’re more

likely to come up with a solution
anyway, as you’re allowing your
thoughts to flow in a calmer way. When
we try to do too many things at once,
the problem-solving part of the brain
shuts down. It’s amazing how, once we
slow down, the answer comes to us.

enjoy a Fantasy

To help relax, play classical
music and try imagining
a beautiful scene from a
holiday or a fantasy of
yourself in the future. How?
Simply picture walking into
a room where every single
thing, from the door to the
furniture, is painted in your
favourite colour.
trY tHiS Pale purple or light blue are
particularly healing, whereas orange
will energise rather than relax you.

BanisH moods

At first, when you start trying to empty
your mind of the everyday, you might
find feelings of restlessness or anxiety
creeping in. It’s tempting to plunge
back into busyness to dispel this, but
a simple breathing exercise is a much
better fix. Try 5-2-5 breathing... first
breathe out for a count of five, then
pause at the end of the breath for two
counts, before breathing back in for
five. This slows your heart rate and
gives your brain a chance to banish
the stresses of the day.
trY tHiS When your thoughts start
to stray, bring them back to your breath.
The fact that you are clearing your
mind will also recharge your batteries.

Fill your me-time

We each have a ‘time indulgence’ – a
lingering breakfast over the paper, or
getting stuck into a novel. Although it’s
easy to sideline these activities when
faced with more pressing issues, they
matter because they nourish us and
ensure we enjoy life.
trY tHiS Ask yourself, if you had
a whole day free, what would you do?
Make a list of activities, and be as
specific as possible – a croissant from
your favourite café, a massage, a movie
screening, or sending an email to a

your Life | smart ideas

Beat stress by

booking a

weekly ‘doing

nothing’ slot

friend. You don’t need to wait for an entire
free day to do any of those things. Do one
a day for the next few weeks and see if
your life is more joyful.

connect witH Friends

It’s ironic that the first relationships to go
when we’re busy are the ones we take for
granted, which tend to be those that are
actually most important to us. If you can’t
remember when you last had a proper
chat with your best friend, you need to
slow down and make time to reconnect

  • you’ll be happier for it.
    trY tHiS Write down the 10 most
    important people in your life, and when
    you last spoke to them properly. Put it in
    your diary to catch up with each person

  • and don’t use email to do it. Even if you
    end up leaving a voice note, just hearing
    a voice helps us stay connected.

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