Essentials South Africa – August 2019

(Brent) #1

welcome to

Do you sometimes feel
like you’re on a non-stop
roller-coaster, lurching
from one task to the
next, with absolutely
no downtime in sight?
If you’ve reached the point where you
barely have time to gulp down a cup
of coffee then you need to stop, take
a deep breath and turn to p14 of this
issue. Why? Because, like me, you
most probably will be thrilled to read
that well-being experts actually advise
that we all indulge in the art of doing
nothing. Yes, really – and because
they’re healthcare professionals, we’d
better take their advice very seriously!
They say it’s time to silence the inner
chatter, get in the zone, and make time
to put your feet up. There’s even advice
on how to find the ‘doing nothing’ that
suits you. Now there’s a wellness trend
we can really get behind!
But wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all,
so if you’re the type who thrives on
busyness, why not tackle one of our
upcycling projects on p98? They’re
all easy enough for any non-DIYer to
manage and you will end up with a
gorgeous piece of bespoke furniture
for your home. Win-win!
Remember to tag us on Instagram
@essentialsmagsa if you whip up one
of our recipes or try out a craft project

  • we’d love to see it!


HAir rEpAir
Just in time for saving damaged winter
hair, we’re excited about the recently
launched L’Oréal Paris Elvive Rapid
Reviver range.

A good book
With so many brilliant new releases (p103), we
couldn’t resist curling up on the couch for a good
reading sesh (the experts on p14 made us do it!).


s wE E T T r E ATs
Who could resist a delivery of the new
Lindt Creation Macaron and Pistachio
Delight flavours? Definitely not us!

e at i n g

meet our Cover star on P 6

we’ve been...

nEw cLAssics
Fashion editor
Xolani Gumede
has rounded up
must-buy items
to see us through
this season and
beyond (p32).
Free download pdf