Essentials South Africa – August 2019

(Brent) #1
ArT dirEcTor Tanya Baxter
mAnAging EdiTor Janine Jorgensen

copy sub-EdiTor Ang Lloyd
d i g iTA L digiTAL EdiTor Cassidy Emmanuel
fEATurEs fEATurEs wriTEr Julia Bain
fAsHion fAsHion EdiTor Xolani Gumede
LifEsTyLE Lif EsTyLE wriTEr Lucia Walker
HEALTH And bEAuTy EdiTor Adila Jallal
officE officE mAnAgEr Carlyn Wallace

mArkETing co-ordinATor
Melanie Olivier
Tel: 087 158 0280; Email: [email protected]

EdiToriAL dirEcTor essentials sA
Frith Thomas
gEnErAL mAnAgEr Anton Botes
HEAd of rETAiL mArkETing
And innovATion^ Dejane Poil
finAnciAL mAnAgEr Rohan French
group mArkETing mAnAgEr Reinhard Lotz
producTion mAnAgEr Sada Reddhi
digiTAL mEdiA sTrATEgisT Aqsa Qureshi
mEdiA co-ordinATor Ruwaida Pillay
AdvErTising sALEs
nATionAL HEAd of sALEs
Ronell Buitenbos; Tel: 087 285 7878
Caxton House, 368 Jan Smuts Avenue,
Craighall, 2196; Tel: 010 492 8356
115 Escom Road, New Germany, Pinetown;
Tel: 031 716 4444
cApE Town
36 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni; Tel: 021 001 2401

crEATivE dirEcTor sTudio
Claudette de Chermont; Tel: 087 087 8884

cLAssifiEds Rowena Singh; Tel: 087 087 8901

RNA, 12 Nobel Street, Industria, 2093; P.O. Box 101,
Maraisburg, 1700; Tel: 011 248 3512;
Fax: 011 474 3583; Email: [email protected]
Mags@Home, Essentials Subs, Freepost CB0209,
Box 596, Howard Place, 7450; Tel: 087 405 2002;
Email: [email protected]
Caxton Magazines, a division of CTP Limited
(Reg No 05/07139/06), Caxton House,
368 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall, 2196
CTP Book Printers, Duminy Street, Parrow
Tel: 021 930 8820/

EssEnTiALs uniTEd kingdom
Published by TI Media Limited,
161 Marsh Wall London E14 9AP.
Copyright of Time Inc. (UK) Ltd 2014

For editorial enquiries, call 087 158 1831
or email [email protected]
For subscriber enquires, phone 087 405 2002

heLLo | August 2019

hot right now...

eating in
TAkE iT spicE And EAsy...
No need to go out for a great curry – you can whip up
one at home with our round-up of the best (p64).

making Changes
smALL TwEAks, big impAcT
Who says being healthy has to be hard
work? Sometimes it really is as easy
as adopting simple habits that make
a difference in the long run (p52).

LovEr’s diET
Yes, you really can
eat chocolate and
still lose weight
(even the experts
say so!). Check out
our diet on p56.

getting Crafty
EAsy upcycLing proJEcTs
Ditch a boring bookshelf or coffee table –
here’s how to give it new life on a a tight
budget (p98).

onLine PoLL
wE AskEd, you AnswErEd
you said... What would you love to eat first thing in the morning?


nEw wAys To wEAr
A dEnim JAckET
If you’ve run out of
ideas when it comes to
styling a denim jacket,
our fashion editor has
got you covered.

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new Look
‘wow – seriously impressed. i thoroughly
enjoyed the fantastic mix and range of articles:
an exciting, inspiring read!’ – Sally Zwiebler 

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