Essentials South Africa – August 2019

(Brent) #1

Who said a little indulgence had to get in the way of slimming down?

Enjoy it to the full with nutritionist Angela Dowden’s chocolate-friendly diet

aNd still

lose weiGht!


It’s simple: you eat three balanced,
kilojoule-controlled meals a day,
giving you all the fibre and nutrients
you need to fill and fuel you. Then,
provided you stick to your healthy
plan, you can still enjoy your daily
chocolate indulgence!


 Follow the seven-day menu plan
exactly (though if you don’t like a
specific meal choice you can repeat
one of the others you do like instead).
Then, for your daily snack, enjoy one
of the chocolate treats from the list.
 y ou also have a 300ml low-fat
milk allowance per day, which you can
include in teas or coffees if you
wish (but don’t have any other
kilojoule-containing drinks).
 Get walking – use a
pedometer and aim to reach
10 000 steps every single
day. Alternatively, make sure
you are walking briskly for at
least half an hour a day, which
could be broken down into chunks
of 10 minutes (at least) at a time.

eat ChoCoLate every day


1,5kg in

7 days




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