Los Angeles Times - 01.08.2019

(C. Jardin) #1


1 Digital unit
4 Play the part of
9 Paintball attire, for
13 Cry from a card holder
14 Religious leader
16 Made man?
17 Home for the holidays,
18 World’s largest lizard
19 Rooftop spinner
20 Court address
22 FDR job-creating
23 -
25 -
27 Catchers with pots
28 Like the Avengers
31 Twice DVI
32 Z preceder
33 Pancake at a seder
36 Longtime Sweethearts
40 Instructions for
fire safety ... or for
completing four puzzle
43 Marx forte
44 Kim and Kourtney’s
45 Bundle of cash
46 Toy with a tail
48 “Spill it”
50 Bassett of “American
Horror Story”
53 Percussion piece
55 Shotgun type
56 Zing
57 -
61 Where Georgia is
62 -
65 Mineral resource
66 Move
67 Cocktail garnishes
68 A long time follower?
69 Scoundrel
70 “Aida” setting
71 Dawn phenomenon

1 Elevate
2 Scoop
3 Curds in cubes
4 “Oy!”
5 High-capacity vehicle?
6 Record time?
7 Like noisy fans

8 Vicious on stage
9 High-and-mighty
10 Wise words
11 Regal home
12 Warning signs
15 Book form that
replaced the scroll
21 Pi follower
24 Team in a seasonal
26 Boring contraption
28 Diner dish
29 Words to
a backstabber
30 Part of a Clue
31 “Iron Chef America”
34 Casino gratuity
35 Canadian road sign
37 Monk’s hood
38 Quahog or geoduck
39 Renaissance faire word
41 Sphere used to capture
a Pikachu, say
42 “Zip it!”
47 Fitness portmanteau
49 Was in charge

50 Small recipe amount
51 Long time follower?
52 Chicanery
53 Rosemary unit
54 Brazen
58 “Ice __ Truckers”: TV
reality series
59 Impulse
60 Cry that may mean “I’m
out of tuna!”
63 Microbrewery output
64 WWII craft





BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Jack Murtagh © 2019 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
The accuracy in which you
say a person’s name and re-
call the details of an event
will be crucial to the success
of a conversation.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): Maybe it’s not your job
to get everyone on the same
wavelength, but if you miss
that part, your job won’t go
very smoothly.
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
Every environment has a
tone. To perpetuate and
maintain the tone is an act of
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
There’s so much that can be
lost. The magnitude of los-
able things is what makes
that which you haven’t and
can’t seem to lose so wonder-
fully yours. Appreciate.
Leo(July 23-Aug. 22): Re-
sentment takes up energetic
space. New opportunity
opens up to you just as soon
as you lose your resentment

over that old thing thatjust
didn’t happen.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
With great enthusiasm,
you’ll somehow manage to
advance several trajectories
at once today.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
Assume nothing, and lightly
test boundaries the way you
might check an electric
fence to see if it’s on.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
Efficiency matters to you,
and you’ll point out the
wastes of time and energy in
order to make a better plan.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Some breeds of
horse can pull three times
their weight. You’ll be given
much more work than the
others. That’s probably be-
cause you can handle it.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): The way you make intro-
ductions will be important,
whether you’re introducing
yourself or others. People
learn how to consider one
another through social cues.
Getting this right will set off

a nice chain of events.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Rigid perspectives jut
out, defining the edges of
what’s acceptable. Over
time, they crumble.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): Take your time. No deci-
sion is a decision, possibly
the best one.
Today’s birthday (Aug.
1): The new regimen you
start this month will rock
your world, giving you the in-
creased vitality to uphold
your standards. You strive
for friendliness, compassion
and community even while
exhibiting strength and
competitive instinct. It’s
these contrasts of character
that make you popular and
give you an edge in business.
Sagittarius and Pisces adore
you. Your lucky numbers
are: 9, 40, 2, 22 and 18.

Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

Statistics indicate that
six out of seven dwarfs are
not happy. But today’s East-
West certainly were after
South found a way to go
down at 3NT.
South wasn’t bashful in
the bidding. He could have
downgraded his hand and
opened 1NT since most of
his points were marooned in
two doubletons. At 3NT,
South took the king of
spades and led a club: deuce,
king, nine. He continued
with dummy’s jack, but East
showed out. West took the
ace and led a second spade.
South won and couldn’t run
the clubs, When he finessed
in diamonds, East produced
the king and led his last
spade. Down two.
North was grumpy. He

said that South’s play was
sleepy if not dopey. After
dummy’s king of clubs wins,
South must lead a heart to
his king and return a second
low club toward dummy. If
West wins, South has nine
tricks: four clubs, two
hearts, two spades and a di-
amond. If instead West
ducks the second club,
dummy wins. Then South
attacks the diamonds to set
up nine sure tricks.
Question: You hold: ♠Q
J 10 8 5 3 ♥ 4 ♦8 4 ♣A 10 8 2.
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond one
spade, he bids two dia-
monds and you rebid two
spades. Partner then bids
2NT. What do you say?
Answer: Your partner
has about 17 points — he
couldn’t try for game with
fewer — probably with 1-5-
4-3 distribution. Since your

spades are almost solid and
you have a side ace, jump to
four spades. You will have a
chance if partner holds 9, A
K 7 6 5, A J 6 3, K Q 5.
South dealer
Both sides vulnerable

♠7 4
♥9 7 5 2
♦A J 6 2
♣K J 4
♠Q J 10 8 5 3 ♠9 6 2
♥ 4 ♥Q J 10 8 6 3
♦8 4 ♦K 5 3
♣A 10 8 2 ♣ 9
♠A K
♥A K
♦Q 10 9 7
♣Q 7 6 5 3
1 ♣ 2 ♠ Dbl Pass
3 NT All Pass

Opening lead — ♠Q

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy:I’m 36 years
old and have recently had
my first and (most likely)
only baby.
My baby means the world
to me. For now, we’ve opted
to have his daddy take a year
off of work to take care of our
little dude.
My mother-in-law is com-
plaining that my husband
isn’t “sharing” our son with
her. She seems to think she
can send us away from our
own son so that she can have
her alone time with him, but
several times when we’ve ac-
tually needed someone to
watch the little man, she
hasn’t been available.
She even went as far as to
say she’d forward us her
schedule each week so we
can coordinate, based on
what’s convenient for her.
Amy, she’s retired!
We don’t need someone
to watch him routinely; after
all, my husband is home with
When we do have her
watch him, she refuses to
put him on his back alone in
a crib to sleep, and the in-
laws have a lot of inappropri-
ate ideas about feeding.
They seem to completely ig-
nore the fact that I’m breast-
feeding him. Due to my ca-
reer in healthcare, safety is a
top concern of mine.
I can’t have her babysit
him if she refuses to be safe.

We tried politely asking her
not to hold him while he
naps, and she hasn’t spoken
to us since.
I don’t want to keep my
son away from his grand-
mother, but she refuses to
respect our wishes. Plus, she
won’t take him when we
need her to, nor does she in-
clude us as a family in her
otherwise busy plans. I’m
hurt that she only wants my
son and doesn’t seem to
want to have anything to do
with us.
Frustrated Mama

Dear Mama:Your letter
reminds me of the old joke
about a restaurant: “The
food was terrible, and in
such small portions!”
When it comes to unpaid
babysitting, you take it
(more or less) under the con-
ditions it is offered, or you
don’t take it.
Conversely, if your in-
laws don’t respect your non-
negotiables, they won’t be
babysitting your child. Your
standards seem on the rigid
side (to me), but it is your
right to establish them and
expect them to be respected.
However, you don’t get to
cast your mother-in-law as
disrespectful and/or incom-
petent — and then complain
that she is not available on
your schedule. (Retired peo-
ple have lives too.)

It seems that you and she
are locked in a power strug-
gle. If your mother-in-law
wants access to your child,
she will have to adjust to
your parenting style. One of
your gripes is that you want
to be included (as a family)
in her life, but you don’t seem
to have invited and included
her, or provided much of an
incentive for her to want to
spend time with the adults.

Dear Amy:I enjoy the new
“pick up” option at my local
grocery store, where I can or-
der the items I need and
have them brought to my
car. Being a mom of two boys
(ages 5 and 6), this makes
grocery shopping a breeze.
Should I tip the people
that bring and load my gro-
ceries in the vehicle?
Do I Tip?

Dear Do I:Several well-
known stores I researched
say they do not allow associ-
ates to receive tips for bring-
ing orders to your car. How-
ever, if you are happy with
the service, you are encour-
aged to leave a positive re-
Check with the store
manager where you shop to
see what their policy is.

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


When the in-laws babysit

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