Classic Ford – August 2019

(sharon) #1
allure: every single MoT certificate remains with
the car, while the original bill of sale gives an
insight into the first keeper’s priorities. Sold new
in Margate, the XR2 was delivered without
tinted windows, sunroof or an FM radio but
with a bargain £5295 price tag.

Minor imperfection
No project is ever perfect but it takes Allan’s
direction to find even a minor flaw in this ’80s
diamond. Zone in on the passenger rear
wheelarch, focus hard enough and a small scuff is
just about visible. “It’s just one wee bit and it’s
driving me insane,” he laughs. Father and son
would never consider changing it for a
replacement part though: the XR2’s originality is

It’s rare to see a Mk1 XR2 interior looking this good, but
Allan and Mick wouldn’t stand for anything else.

all-important. Instead, the pair are working with
their sponsor, Scottish detailing specialists
Angelwax. “John, their chemist, is creating
something that will soften the plastic just enough
that it can be smoothed out,” Allan explains.
It won’t be the only custom potion to grace the
bright white Fiesta. John is in continual
conversation with the Lewis family and develops
custom products to work with the car’s cellulose
paintwork. “It’s fantastic. I’ll explain what isn’t
quite how we’d want it, then a week later we’ll
have something produced and ready for the XR2,”
Allan smiles. The reward for their labours is clear:
the all-original paintwork pops, thanks to the time
Allan and Mick have spent clay barring, polishing
and sealing the bodywork. Initial preparation alone

Mick and Allan have owned a string of
early Fiestas, but this is their finest yet.



With this level of finish, it’s no wonder
the Fiesta is cleaning up at the shows...

Engine is all-original. Allan and Mick scoured
the UK hunting down the correct jubilee clips.

60 August 2019

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