October 2017 Discover

(Jeff_L) #1

You’re not going to go around collecting aborted fetuses
for thousands of patients.” And although using fetal
stem cells wasn’t controversial in Sweden, it was in the
United States.
The next logical step was to figure out how neurons
are generated and use them to repair or replace dam-
aged cells. Embryonic stem cells seemed to offer a solu-
tion. Culled from embryos barely 4 or 5 days old, these
cells are versatile shape-shifters that can mature into
any type of cell in the body — a trait that’s made them
crucial to research. And neural embryonic stem cells are
more targeted; in the formative stages of brain develop-
ment, they can be chemically coaxed into generating
neurons that have a host of different functions. Plus,
neural stem cells can migrate to brain regions where
they’re needed most.
Although British researchers had discovered embry-
onic stem cells in laboratory animals in 1981, it wasn’t
until 1998 that a Wisconsin team announced it had iso-
lated stem cells from human embryos for the first time.
It was an achievement many thought would quickly
usher in medical advances.

Svendsen, who joined the Cambridge faculty in 1998,
was inspired by this work and thought it could apply
to his Parkinson’s research. He began looking at how
to transform stem cells into neurons that would pump
out dopamine. He ran a small pilot study of five people
with Parkinson’s. Svendsen injected into their brains a
protein known to enhance neural development, called
glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). The
treatment stopped dopamine-producing neurons from
dying, and the patients’ motor skills markedly improved.
Meanwhile, outside forces were derailing promising
studies. In the U.S., the use of embryonic stem cells,
often derived from embryos discarded by in vitro fertil-
ization clinics, became a flashpoint of intense political
debate. This led to a near-total ban in 2001 of their use
in government-funded research, an act that held back
advances by about five years, scientists say. Research
ground to a virtual standstill because of the lack of
institutional and financial support, and the onerous
restrictions on how research could be done.
In 2006, Japanese scientists figured out how to repro-
gram specialized cells, such as those in skin, so that they

October 2017^ DISCOVER^35

“The idea that you can restore function back to where

it was lost is relatively new,” Charles Liu says broadly,

not just concerning stem cells. “This is the first time

when all of us dared think it might be possible to

regenerate, restore and repair.”

Cell Transformation
The promise of stem cells is their ability to become any cell in the
body. When treating brain injuries, the stem cells can become neurons
(which transmit information throughout the body), astrocytes (which
help maintain the central nervous system) or oligodendrocytes (which
protect nerve fibers).

Produce neuronal
precursor cells

Some neuronal
precursor cells die off




Neural stem cells

Produce more
stem cells
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