BBC World Histories - 08.2019 - 09.2019

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before and during the event between inter-allied institutions
and individuals interested in the aftercare of the war disabled.
Notably, disabled veterans requested to be actively involved
in the works of the CIP: they wanted to have a say in the plan-
ning of healthcare and social systems. They did not want to be
mere objects of study but, rather, co-protagonists in the making
and implementation of policies.
Alongside the conference, importantly, a public exhibition
was mounted to inform the wider public about advances
in medicine and technology; it featured displays of a range of
prosthetic devices, along with details of professional training
available for the disabled. British delegate Sir Arthur Griffith-
Boscawen, then serving as parliamentary secretary to the Min-
istry of Pensions, reported that he was “struck very much with
the great interest which the subject evoked”. The high attend-
ance reflected the widespread recognition by the French public
that the question of the re-education of disabled veterans was
“a most urgent and important social problem”.

Involving the public
The importance of involving and informing the wider public
was again evident during the second annual conference, held in
London’s Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, in 1918.
A public exhibition was open daily from 20 to 25 May: displays
included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different
countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related

Disabled veterans did not

want to be mere objects of

study but co-protagonists

in the making and

implementation of policies

Fresh legs
Workers at the Princess Louise Scottish
Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers
in Erskine, Scotland, make artificial
limbs in 1917. Standards of prosthesis
improved during the First World War,
largely because of the huge demand

A 1919 French-language
inter-allied journal covering
physiotherapy, prosthesis
and other topics relating
to disabled veterans

Disabled WW1 veterans






included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different Рincluded objects produced by disabled soldiers from different
countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related

countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related

included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different УУПП
included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different included objects produced by disabled soldiers from different АА



countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related

countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related




countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related


countries and institutions, along with other forms of war-related
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