How did you continue to support yourself?
I still worked on photo shoots, Instagram,
paid PAs. Even though I wasn’t on TV, I’ve had
work. I just wasn’t living the luxury lifestyle,
as I needed to take time out. There have been
a few hurdles in that respect, though.
What hurdles have you faced?
I’m speaking mainly about the fact that my
business at the time, that I really worked hard
on, had some issues that I can’t really talk
about. But it knocked my confidence massively.
We’re sorry to hear that! How did you come
back from it?
I had to! But I will say, I don’t think I’ll ever
get over it. That broke my heart because I
worked so hard for that business. But I have
something new in the pipeline, so watch this
space later this year.
Did you have to have therapy because of it?
I’ve never had therapy for anything.
You have – you did the Channel 5 programme
In Therapy...
Yeah, but that’s a TV show and it was more like
an intense interview than therapy! I actually
don’t fully understand therapy.
How come?
What’s it supposed to do? You sit down and
talk about your problems and what? It doesn’t
change what’s happened. It’s something I just
don’t understand. It’s a lot of money and a long
process. But I’m not knocking it and if it works
for you, then great. I had some anxiety before
I came on the shoot today.
Why was that?
To be honest, I’ve had a bad week. I had a car
accident the other day on the M25. Some big
object fell off a lorry and I hit it head on. It was
terrifying. I was screaming behind the wheel.
It went under the car and I was convinced the
car was gonna blow up. There was no hard
shoulder to pull over on and I was genuinely
beside myself, but I eventually came off the
motorway and tried to get some guy to help
me. I couldn’t feel my hands because I got
pins and needles through sheer stress.
Talk about a near-death experience!
It got worse! I was on my way to a hair
appointment at the time. I eventually made
it and they had to give me a bottle of wine as
I was so shaken. Anyway, I wanted to dye
my hair, so we put the product in and I swear
on my life my hair turned blue. The next thing
I knew, it was coming off in my hands. My blue
hair was literally breaking in my hands. The
salon was gonna put tomato sauce and Fairy
liquid on it to try and mend it! I was having a
panic attack. I nearly died and then my hair
turned blue. How about that for a day?!
No wonder you were stressed...
They sorted it all out and they said it was all
part of the process to get the colour back to
how I wanted it, and it looks amazing now.
‘I don’t understand
therapy, it doesn’t
change things’