PHOTOS: Getty, Planet
Viewers recently called her out
for putting other couples down.
What did you think?
Personally I think Molly loves
to chat, so maybe that gets
her into trouble. She’s not a
malicious person. I think she’s
just having an opinion. She
doesn’t mean it in a bad way,
but people think that.
Has Molly had bad
relationships in
the past?
I know of one
relationship she
had before and
I don’t think it
ended well. She
deserved better. I
don’t know if he messed
her about or what, but they
were never together properly.
Do you think being with Tommy
has restored her faith in men?
Definitely. Tommy has done her
the world of good. If they
don’t last on the outside,
at least she knows
what it’s like to be
with someone who
treats her right.
Do you know
Harley as well?
I’ve only met Harley
once. It was at Ellie
[Brown]’s birthday party.
I saw her on the date with Ovie,
but I’m not sure he’s her type.
She’s quite young and fun. I
would say Anton’s more her type.
What advice would you give
to this year’s Islanders?
Don’t cry as much as I did and
when you get out it’s important
to stay close to your friends and
family. After the first couple of
months I lost myself a little bit.
I had to go on holiday with my
sister and relax. I needed to
remember what I did before
Love Island because it’s a big
whirlwind. Sometimes it can
make you feel on edge.
to be watching her every move!
What happened in her previous
She likes to take care of people
and help. Her previous boyfriend
took advantage of that. They did
what they did, but she doesn’t
tolerate that sort of behaviour.
She was very upset.
So what do you make of Anton?
Dads don’t like any boyfriends
but... I think they’re a perfect
match! He does do things that
annoy me sometimes, but boys
will be boys. My daughter is
very OK with that as well, like
you saw when he gave his
number out. No relationships are
perfect, but I think they’re solid.
What did you think about their
argument in the nightclub?
They didn’t drag it out. They got
back together and it was done.
Do you think her fiery attitude
could put Anton off?
If you don’t put her in a position
to be outspoken and fiery, then
you’re fine. She’s not going to
come at you if there
isn’t a reason. I
can’t see him being
annoyed at it. She
will just tell you how
it is. Sometimes it
may work against
her, but I’m like that.
As she said, she’s not
going to change her
values or lower her
standards. You either
take it or leave it.
Do you think Anton
will fit in well with
your family?
I think so. He’s an
excitable young man and we’re
all the same. He’s got to go on a
two-day road trip with me first.
What would you get up to?
Just dad talk! I’ll see what he’s
got to say and get to know him
a little bit.
Would you let him move into
your house?
I’m up for that, but I’d have to ask
Belle when she gets home. I like
my family being under my roof,
so absolutely. I wouldn’t have
a problem with it.
Do you think Anton could stray
on the outside?
If he does it will be
a problem. Let’s
just see what
happens when
he gets out. First
and foremost,
I don’t want
my daughter
to go through
heartbreak, but
I can’t see it. He’s
got everything
he wants in
a woman
with Belle.
How will Belle
cope with fame?
My daughter didn’t like the
attention I got because of my job.
Then she said she was going into
Love Island, which is one of the
biggest shows around and I was
like, “Really?” But look, she’s
going to be OK. She’s a very
respectful, smart girl and she
loves people. It’s going to be a
whirlwind when she comes out.
How would you feel if she
became a bigger star than you?
She’s already a bigger star
than I am. The funny thing is
that I’m getting introduced as
Belle Hassan’s dad now, which
is brilliant.
Did Dani Dyer give her any tips
before going on to the show?
It happened so quickly, so we
didn’t have a
chance to speak
to anyone. I
spoke to a few
friends who are
connected to the
show but, before
I knew it, Belle
called me and told
me she was going
in the next day.
It was literally
that quick.
Do you think
she could win?
Yes, 100 per cent
she’s going to win
the show. She’s being honest
and being herself.
She thinks
Tommy and
Molly will last
Belle’s dad
switches off the
bedroom scenes
Belle has grown
in confidence
Kendall has
met Harley
Belle and Anton’s
dirty dancing