New! Magazine – 29 July 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
been slightly exhausted. I’m
happy to say it, but I do feel
like the word has been thrown
around. I’ve had massive troubles
for years and I don’t think people
would expect it at all.
How do you cope?
It’s about listening to your body
and seeing those signs of being
in a bad mood or feeling nervous.
Would you do more reality TV?
The I’m A Celeb jungle is a dream.
I did a show with Chris, but
that was obviously
quite dark. I’d love
to do something
a bit lighter.
What would you
do differently?
Nothing. The
show wasn’t the
problem, it was
that me and Chris
weren’t happy.
What made you get
involved with Dripping Gold?
I’ve always wanted to launch
a tanning range. When I met with
the team we had the same ethos
and it’s an amazing brand.
Do you feel a constant pressure
to look good?
To be honest, I’m the biggest slob.
I’m chilled about it.

Dripping Gold’s Body Tune
Instant Tan by Olivia Attwood
is out now

Does the idea of settling
down and having kids
make you nervous?
Settling down and getting
married doesn’t scare me,
but kids scare me right now.
You’re in Manchester a lot.
Do you miss Essex?
Essex is my base, but when I’m
off work I’m in Manchester with
Brad. We never spend more than
a couple of nights apart.
Does he have any
annoying habits?
He’s a bit of a boy.
We don’t have big
arguments, but I
probably do nag
him quite a lot.
Are you
Love Island?
I really like it. I like
Molly-Mae – she
gives off a good energy.
I’m so biased, but if any series
would rival ours, this would be it.
Would you ever return for
a reunion episode?
I’d love that. The only thing is
there are certain characters
who would refuse. It’s like the
Spice Girls – you have to get
everyone on board.
You’ve opened up about your
battle with anxiety. What’s the
response from fans been like?
I was totally overwhelmed. I feel
like the anxiety conversation has

Hi Olivia! How do you feel after
having your boobs reduced?
I’m really happy, not just
aesthetically, but I feel lighter.
Would you have more surgery?
I would never rule anything out,
although I would never go abroad
for surgery and I would never not
pay for it!
Do you regret getting implants
in the first place?
I said to my mum I was so angry
with myself, but when I was 19
I was really unhappy with having
small boobs.
What does Bradley think about
you getting surgery?
Brad’s super relaxed. He knew
I was in pain before I had it. He
used to massage my shoulder
each night because it was so sore.
How are things
with Brad?
Really good! In the
next couple of years
we’re either going to
go down the marriage
and kids route or it’s
going to end. I’m not
ready to be pregnant,
but I do want my life
to start creeping in
that direction.


s this year’s Love
Islanders make the
most of their last
few days in the villa,
former finalist Olivia Attwood
knows the feeling well.
It was just two years ago
that she fell for Chris Hughes
on the reality show. But after
a tumultuous six-month
relationship, the pair called it
a day. Soon after, Liv rekindled
her romance with her ex,
Blackburn Rovers footballer
Bradley Dack. And things are
going from strength to strength

  • so much so that they’ve even
    had the baby chat!
    “I’m approaching 30 and Brad
    would be absolutely over the
    moon if I fell pregnant tomorrow,”
    Liv says at the launch of her
    Dripping Gold tanning range.
    The 28-year-old is relaxed
    when we sit down for a chat

  • and she’s over the moon with
    her “new” boobs. Two months
    ago she had a breast reduction
    operation, after having implants
    in for almost a decade. “I’m so
    happy! I don’t know why I put
    it off for so long,” she gushes.
    Here, Liv opens up about
    going under the knife, Bradley’s
    worst habits and why she’d be
    up for a Love Island reunion...


‘ Brad would be over

the moon if I fell

pregnant tomorrow!’

Olivia Attwood talks cosmetic surgery,

Love Island reunions and getting

serious with boyfriend Bradley Dack

PHOTOS: Splash News, Wenn

She’s loved up
with Bradley

Olivia and Chris
didn’t last long

Before she had her
boobs reduced
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