Skin Deep – August 2019

(lu) #1


Wayne Simmons talks with some of
his favourite rebels within tattooing.
This month he meets Jefree Naderali




ll creativity draws upon the one energy—I’m
convinced of this.
Whether you’re an artist or a musician, a
writer or a dancer, the feeling you get when
you create, when you’re communing with whatever
muse you commune with, when you’re in that all pow-
erful, all consuming Zone, is very much the same.
Now, I’m not any kind of authority on this before you ask.
I play a little guitar—and I mean little—and I throw some
words together every month for this very mag. But I can
tell you now, when I’m in the moment with either of those
things, when the words are flowing or I’m really feeling
those chords I strum, it feels good in the exact same way.
I got thinking about this when meeting this months’
Rebel Incer, Jefree Naderali. As we talk, Jefree tells me
he used to be a dancer. Before he got into tattooing, he
did breakdancing and popping - which to the uniniti-
ated, such as me, basically refers to a particular form of
dance coming out of the West Coast Funk Movement of
the 1970s. And while it might seem strange to move from
dancer to tattoo artist, I would bet it isn’t strange at all
to Jefree. In fact, I reckon, if you look hard enough, you
can still see some of those dance moves within his art.
Take its versatility, for a start. In one way, Jefree’s
work could be described as photorealism and in anoth-
er way it could be described as the tattoo equivalent to
fine art, maybe even modern art. And when I ask him
about that, his reply is very interesting. “For me, art is
texture,” he says. “When I find my texture I say to my-
self, ‘Yes this is my art.’ Everyone can tattoo the aver-
age image but what makes my art unique is the texture.
When people see my tattoos it’s easy for them to say this
is Jefree’s.” He has a particular interest in the human
body, how it presents and how it moves, and of course

When I find my
texture I say to
myself, ‘Yes this is
my art.’
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