Sunset – July 2019

(Nandana) #1

my new airport makes my fre-
quent flier status almost
meaningless. Do I really have
to start over from nothing
with another airline?


No need to worry, says
Andrew Yang of @ex-
patriatedays: “If you have any
level of status with an airline,
you can apply for a status
match with any of the major
airlines in the West. For exam-
ple, San Francisco is a major
West Coast hub for United Air-
lines, so give United some
proof and they’ll grant you the
status for three months. If you
want to retain it for the rest of
the year, you’ll need to fulfill a
certain mileage quota.


Cactus are awesome.
Spines, not so much.
How can I (and my kids) keep
from getting stuck?


You could wear those
chainmail gloves for
shucking oysters...or you could
get your hands on Opuntia ca-
canapa 'Ellisiana', a spineless
prickly pear that will grow to
a 3-foot-tall, 6-foot-wide deer-
resistant mound in about five

years. (Plant it in well-draining
soil where it will get lots of
sun.) If that’s too big, look for
Opuntia subulata cristata or As-
trophytum myriostigma, which
do well indoors in cactus mix
with lots of direct sunlight.


I’ve been drinking nat-
ural wines lately, but
the clerk at my local wine store
told me that all wines contain—
yeesh—sulfites. Seriously?


Seriously. Sulfites
occur naturally in all
wines, but producers have
traditionally added them to pre-
serve and stabilize their vintag-
es. The natural wines you love,
however, contain no added sul-
fites. What’s the difference?
“I feel better when drinking
them,” says winemaker Alex
Pomerantz, of Oakland’s Sub-
ject to Change Wine Co. “I
don't get the foggy buzz that I
get from other alcohol—it’s
more of a sustained and lucid
intoxication. Second, it's the
purest way to express terroir.
A naked wine reveals the place.
Last, it’s more fun. They're of-
ten hazy, chilled, and work with
or without food.” There you go:
serious fun.


my girl-
friend and I have
a house with out-
door space. How
can we make it


Think of
your out-
door space as a sty-
listic extension of
your interiors—a
living room in your
own private park.
First, make a mood
board based on the
hues and textures of the garden
or landscape (or even the exteri-
or color of your home). Keep
the seating intimate: Scale
couches and chairs to the size of
the garden and arrange them
face-to-face for conversation.

define the space with a rug, a
coffee table and side tables, pot-
ted plants, and plenty of throw
blankets and cafe lights to keep
the party going long after dark.


I’m about to spend a
week hiking Zion—
how do I water my houseplants
while I’m gone? Simple, please.


 Ah, Zion—lucky you.
Let’s share that luck
with your plants. For a short

trip, try watering
stakes such as Aqua
Globe. You fill the
blown-glass globes
with water, insert
them into the soil,
and your plant
stays hydrated for
about three days.
For longer trips, or
if you travel fre-
quently, invest in
self-watering con-
tainers, which have
integrated reser-
voirs to sustain
your plants while you're away.
Lechuza ( has options

wilderness, then opening a great
bottle of wine. There’s nothing
more annoying, though, than
lugging that heavy empty bottle
back down the trail. What to do?


Can it! Canned wines
are lighter, cool down
quickly, and, at about 250ml, are
just the right amount for one
person. Plus, they pair beauti-
fully with both sweet and salty
hiking snacks. Just drink, crush,
and bring home to recycle. Our
current fave: West + Wilder,
whose bone-dry rosé blends So-
noma County Pinot Noir, old-
vine Mendocino Carignan, and
Lodi Zinfandel. Not only are
their canned wines portable,
but also the company donates a
portion of its proceeds for the
conservation of public spaces,
ensuring you can hike and drink
for decades to come.

3 Mood-Board Tips
from Sunset Home
Editor, Chantal

  1. Get the app: Mood
    Board, Evernote, or

  2. Get organized:
    Create a dedicated
    board for each
    space—colorful bath-
    room ideas, edible-
    garden inspo.

  3. Get offline: Scour-
    ing the web is one
    thing, but don’t dis-
    count your own pho-
    tos. Dig into your
    photo albums for

prickly pear


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