(^20) The route led past Burdur, climbed over more snow-covered mountains, and past
green farmlands until reaching Keçýboru. Keçýboru was a small settlement and
judging by the attention our presence created, not many foreigners overnighted in
Keçýboru - Sandikli – 67 kilometres
The following morning, we pointed the bikes in Istanbul’s direction. Still, upon
reaching Sandikli, I weakened at the thought of a warm room as I had enough of
mountains, cold weather, and rain by then. We subsequently stayed two nights, as the
weather took a turn for the worse and the chance of encountering snow over the
forward mountain passes scared us.
Sandikli resembled a ski destination and appeared cold year-round as the room was
geared solely for cold weather. Sauntering around the village was a timeous affair, as
there were numerous invitations to tea; even at the butcher.
Sandikli - Altintas – 110 kilometres
Ernest’s birthday came on a bright sunny day, and we loaded up and pointed the
bicycles in the direction of Istanbul. By then, we’d been in Turkey for almost two
weeks. Only on departing Sandikli did we discover the hours’ time difference between
Syria and Turkey. It felt good being outside after being cooped up for three long days.
The way to Altintas was less mountainous, and after 110 kilometres, we pitched our
tents in a farmer’s field in the company of a few cows. The spot was next to a petrol
station. As a result, many came to chat, some brought tea and other Turkish Delight,
and it seemed one couldn’t just pop in for a visit empty-handed.